Dr. Kristy Anderson is an accomplished nationally and internationally studied physician in the areas of pain management, orthopedic conditions, cancer research and the treatment of chronic and degenerative diseases. As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Anderson was selected as the medical education advisor and later the medical advisor for the United States subsidiary of a leading international homeopathic pharmaceutical company, Heel, Inc., for almost 10 years.
In this episode, Michelle Bosch chats to Dr. Anderson about how entrepreneurs can manage their stress levels, and why it’s so important to ensure that you stay healthy if you want to have a successful career.
Listen and enjoy:
What’s inside:
- Learn about how your body deals with stress, and how to ensure this doesn’t negatively impact your life
- Discover the ways that Dr. Anderson helped Michelle Bosch through a tough patch in her life, health-wise
- Understand the nutrients and minerals your body needs to perform at peak capacity
- Find out what happens if you don’t take care of your body, and how to fix this
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Michelle: Welcome to the “In FLOW” podcast. I am your host, Michelle Bosch. I see a gaping hole across society that focuses on the outer work and forgets about the inner work. And what we really need is to bridge the gap between prosperity and spirituality to live a life in flow with inflows of light, inflows of cash, inflows of creativity, inflows of grace in our lives. Each week, join me for powerful messages in interviews that will leave you inspired and ready to step into flow and your higher work. For now, let’s go.
Welcome to the “In FLOW Podcast.” This is your host, Michelle Bosch, and in today’s episode, I actually have a guest that will be here with me. I have invited today, Dr. Kristy Anderson to be part of this episode in the show. And I shared on episode 2 that after almost 12 years of constant pushing and grinding and growing our business and trying to manifest financial success, that I found myself in a complete state of exhaustion and burnout. And so around late 2011, 2012, maybe it was 2011 I wanna say, I had a business dinner from a group that I belonged to for several years called Strategic Coach. I met Dr. Kristy Anderson and just heard about her holistic approach to treating patients and the caliber of the patients that she was seeing, you know, some high top athletes. And so I remember just being really, really impressed with her and I thought I need to get over to her clinic. So welcome, Dr. Kristy Anderson. How are you?
Dr. Anderson: Thank you. Very well today.
Michelle: Yes. Wonderful. So just for our listeners to know, Dr. Kristy Anderson is an accomplished nationally and internationally studied physician in the areas of pain management, orthopedic conditions, cancer research, and the treatment of chronic and degenerative diseases. And as a naturopathic physician, Dr. Andersen was selected as a medical education advisor and later the medical advisor for the United States subsidiary of a leading international homeopathic pharmaceutical company, Heel Inc., for almost 10 years. And, wow, I didn’t know that, Kristy. Welcome.
Dr. Anderson: Yes, thank you.
Michelle: Yes. So I remember coming to you and I remember this being, you know, towards the end of that year and me feeling completely exhausted. And that was nothing new to me. Some of my symptoms, which I’ll share later, were symptoms that when I had gone to other doctors, they seem so condescending about my symptoms and really work completely on resourceful and helping me feel better. And so it was part of my new year’s resolution to come see you and kind of like recreate myself from the inside out. So tell us a little bit, Kristy, about what your focus is in your practice right now. And tell us a little bit about yourself. Like how do you come to naturopathic medicine and how do you find Dr. Incledon as well? And how do you guys like team up together and start your clinic?
Dr. Anderson: Sure. So I’ve been at this current clinic where you saw me at. I have been here for almost five years, and we’ve developed a very good kind of synergistic working relationship with the multiple practitioners that are here. So myself, I am a naturopathic physician. So what that means to the general public is that I treat the whole person. So I don’t just look at your symptoms and give you a medication to put a Band-Aid on it. It’s gonna get worse and six months to a year or maybe two years. I actually look at you as a whole person and say, “Okay, there’s multiple areas that we can focus on.” And, you know, if you’re a thriving, healthy, vibrant whole person, then you’re less likely to get sick, you’re less likely to get chronic degenerative diseases. And so that’s the whole focus of what we wanna do.
We wanna make sure that those cornerstones of health are optimized. And for the most part, those cornerstones of health include vitamins, minerals, fatty acids. Most people know fatty acids from the omega-3 fish oils, but there’s others. And then amino acids. Amino acids are what are the building blocks of proteins. And so if those cornerstones of your health are ideal as far as you have all of those nutrients and they’re, you know, at top levels in the body, then your body is pretty much a master at assembling whatever it needs to. So think of an assembly line and not having enough pieces on that assembly line, you certainly can’t make a finished end product. Same thing in the body. And so those cornerstones are fundamental.
And here in the clinic, we work together as a group to not only kind of maximize those cornerstones of health, but then also incorporate movement therapy, exercise, you know, neurological conditioning. All of these things are very, very critical to the body functioning at its optimal peak performance. And, of course, that’s what we all want. But things through life and, you know, getting sick, and maybe not taking care of ourselves the best, and you know, us as moms out there, we’re constantly giving to our kids, and we’re constantly doing for others and things like that, and so that depletes us over time. And frankly, our food system these days is not the best that it could be. And so we’re not getting all of those nutrients back that we should. And so here at the clinic we kind of have this group mentality, meaning that I work with the other practitioners and we each have our specialties that we look at to make each patient the best that they can be no matter where they start from and no matter what age.
I think one of the youngest patients we’ve seen here in the clinic is six years old and some of the oldest are well into their 90s. And Dr. Incledon is fabulous. He’s Ph.D. and he kind of is the synergy between everything. He helps do all the research and bringing to light anything and everything that might be new and cutting edge in the health realm whether it’s supplements, nutrition, sometimes medications, modalities, neurological, physiological, so movement, all of those things we look at, and he helps kind of bring all those things together. And then people like myself, we kind of implement that with the patients. And so it’s a very synergistic type of environment. And, you know, that’s how we focus on it. I love what I do. I love seeing my patients every day. And, you know, I’m here to make them better people and to make them kind of the optimal that they can be.
Michelle: Yeah, and I am most definitely witness to that holistic approach. I remember coming in there and, you know, having all these symptoms, but it was like [inaudible 00:07:30], like it was headaches, it was, you know, foggy mind, inability to focus for three to four hours at a time, general digestive problems, fatigues, aches and pains in my entire body. And it’s not like I woke up one day with all of those symptoms but slowly and slowly, it kind of started building out and so I had warnings from my body and my physiology screening, but I decided to ignore them because we, like you said, you know, moms or women in general or…I mean, it happens to men as well. We think that because we’re so busy, you know, we can’t take care of ourselves.
And so I remember sitting with Kristy on a consultation that was almost two hours long, Kristy, and I remember you asking me, “So what do you do?” And I remember coming in there and giving you kind of like my athletic talk, my 32nd commercial as to what did I do. And then I remember you actually clarifying. It’s like, clear my mind. “No, no, what actual activities do you do on a daily basis?” And so I remember proceeding to give you like a laundry list of all the stuff that I was doing. And I’m sure that you could feel that as I kept on giving that list that I wasn’t thrilled about, you know, about a lot of the stuff that I was working on.
And so after like a very comprehensive two hours, I remember you telling me, “Well, I would like to do all of these tasks, really comprehensive tasks bloodwork. Like I remember like 20 vials of blood that were gonna be sent out to like three different labs and all kinds of like, I’m getting here personal, you know, poop tests and all kinds of stuff that needed to be addressed because of the digestive issues that I was experiencing. Things that when I had visited other specialized doctors that only focused on their one area of expertise did not really bring together or they wouldn’t even…I mean, they didn’t even give me as a recommendation even a simple test. They said that I was probably just stressed out and that I needed to just relax. Like I said, incredibly condescending on the symptoms.
So, yeah, I can attest that that is definitely one of the big ahas for me when I came into your clinic. And it was like, “Wow, this is healthcare at a completely different level.” Like I had never experienced before. And I remember that a few weeks later, we had exams back and it turned out that I had some infection in my gut that could have been the cause of the headaches, fatigue, you know, hormonal issues. Of course, for stress, coping mechanisms. As I remember, when I walked into your office, I was like a walking raw nerve ending. That’s kind of how I describe myself just from, you know, all the aches and pains and inflammation and so on that I was I was dealing with.
But I remember that it was what we also identified that, and I probably shouldn’t use this word but I’m gonna use it, shit work that basically stuff that is not in your genius that also like depletes your energy and kind of like your radiance and your life force if you wanna see it that way. And so, yeah, but I was really impressed, though, I have to say with when you presented the results and we went one by one in looking at each of those issues, I remember you saying, “Well, we can either take it the natural way or we can take it the traditional way.”
And you were very specific for what things I should go this way versus that way. And I love that you integrated that. Because if you go to a medical doctor, they’re just gonna give you the chemistry. But then you said, “For certain things, I would like to go at it the natural way.” So explain to ask perhaps what circumstances, and I and I’m sure there’s going to vary from patient to patient, but do you go one way versus the other?
Dr. Anderson: Well, part of it, just conversation with you, part of it is what the patient wants. So if you’re going somewhere, you’re going to a restaurant and you’re like…let’s say you’re going to a restaurant. You’re like, “I really want a steak.” And you walk into the restaurant and it’s a seafood restaurant, they have zero steaks on the menu, right? You’re not really gonna be satisfied because you really wanted a steak in your heart was set on steak. So it’s kind of the same thing. It’s like I need to know where the patients are coming from, what they want to get out of it. I wanna know your goals, not just your short-term goals but your long-term goals.
And I wanna know those goals not only for your health, but also kind of the rest of your life. Because your health helps make the rest of your life, right? Because if you’re in really bad health and you’re bedridden, the rest of your life is kind of like, you know, not happening at that point in time because you’re bedridden. So your health is kind of that cornerstone to the rest of your life and basically doing whatever it is that you want to do. And so whenever patients come in, I like to kind of get that feedback from them.
And so if they’re really wanting, “Hey, I just want, you know, a pill. I just wanna take one thing and I just want this to fix. Then we’ll have the conversation of, “Okay, the pill won’t fix it because single therapies usually don’t work long term, and just a single pill that’s a pharmaceutical will help for a time but generally won’t fix the problem permanently. You know, there’s always exceptions to rules in medicine, and with the human body but for the most part, that’s the case. And so I usually do more of an integrative approach, which is sometimes medications are needed because they’re very targeted. You know, like, you were using the example of like a gastrointestinal infection or things like that.
You know, sometimes the antibiotic or the treatment of choice for that is great and it’s targeted and it’s just what we need, and then we can move on with other therapies. Other times, you know, a totally natural approach is what we need. So we just need, you know, some vitamins, some minerals, maybe some probiotics in there and that type of thing to balance out what’s wrong with the body. So really, it’s a matter of kind of knowing where the patient is coming from, what the patient’s goals are, and then educating the patient. So my big thing and part of the reason why it takes so much time with my patients is because I wanna educate them.
Because you can’t make informed decisions about anything if you don’t know what you’re deciding on. So if you only know a few details, you can only make decisions based on those details. If you know the big picture, then you can make a more informed decision about having your long-term goals for your health and therefore your life. And so my job as a physician is to basically teach my patients so they can make informed decisions for health in their life and where they want to go from here, I’m here to be that teacher, I’m here to be that guide, and I’m here to implement those therapies once we decide on a course of action.
And then the other kind of component of that is because we do a lot of testing, it’s not just kind of a shot in the dark. It’s not just, well, most people with fatigue, which is tiredness, get [inaudible 00:14:48] and are helped by that. No, I wanna know exactly what your body is sufficient in so that way I can pinpoint where we’re going to go and how we’re going to target that. And then after, you know, a session of therapy, and that varies from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to, you know, sometimes even longer, and then we retest to make sure that we are meeting that goal, meeting that target. Almost everything in life whenever you’re dealing with trying to reach a goal is you move forward, you do, in my case, a therapy, and then you check your work. You say, “Is this working or is this not?” And if it’s not working, we change our strategy. If it is working, and then we, you know, keep going or we add to it or whatever the case may be.
And so the whole idea is to find out where the patient is and then use the best therapy that’s targeted to what that patient needs, what that patient wants, and what is the best treatment for that patient. And again, a lot of that comes from educating the patient because, you know, this is my specialty, healthcare and treating patients are my specialty. I don’t expect everybody to know that. Just like, you know, if, if I’m going to a financial advisor, I expect them to give me all the information that I could need in order to make an informed decision about my financial goals and about my financial advancement because I don’t know what I don’t know. So I’m there to get taught so therefore I can make informed decisions. And I’m here to do the same thing for patients’ health.
Michelle: Yeah, absolutely. Now, I wanted to also talk a little bit about something that I know is affecting a lot of women and a lot of us are silently out there suffering. And this is not being talked about much in the normal medical establishment and that is something that is called adrenal fatigue. Can you tell us a little bit more about that and how you deal with it, with your patients, and in your practice?
Dr. Anderson: Sure. So the adrenal glands are very tiny little glands, but they have a big job in the body. And so they’re most known, if you will, they’re famous for their cortisol. So they produce cortisol. And cortisol helps us to know when to wake up, when to go to sleep. It also regulates other systems in the body. So it regulates a lot of our neurotransmitters, which has to do with our mood. It has to do to some degree with our digestion. It interacts with our thyroid and helps us have the proper metabolism. And so all of that is kind of integrated.
So you can’t just…you know, never in the body can you isolate a system because we’re one big unit that has interconnecting parts. In the adrenal gland and what it brings to the table is one of those parts. And most of the time when people have been stressed out, their adrenal gland is overworked. So anytime you have that fight or flight kind of feeling, that knot in your stomach, you have that stress time, all of those times your body is thinking that you’re kind of under attack because that’s the way it’s perceiving that. And when you’re under attack and cortisol is released into the body, and that’s supposed to, you know, rev up your, you know, heart rate and allow you to run away if you need to or stand and fight if you need to, it’s doing those kind of basic actions, if you will, based on our millennia.
You know, we haven’t, for millennia, sat in front of computers and had workplace stress. Most of the time, you know, our stresses were from like famine or animals chasing us or other humans chasing us. And so that’s the way our bodies are kind of governed. And with adrenal fatigue, what happens is we’ve just been so bombarded with stress and lack of nutrients, right? So we’re thinking about that assembly line, and we’re running low on all the pieces to that assembly line. Again, at the end, we’re not gonna get that finished product that we want. And so if the adrenals are constantly putting out this cortisol and because we’re constantly feeling like we’re under attack and threat…
Michelle: And constantly stressed, absolutely.
Dr. Anderson: Right, exactly. And then it kind of goes, “You know what? I’m getting a little tired here.” And, you know, it’s kind of like, you know, an engine that might have 200,000 miles on it. It’s not gonna work the same as it did whenever you just left the showroom because it’s tired and it’s overworked and it needs some repair. And so adrenal fatigue is basically that. It’s just an overworked system of too much stress, not enough support, and that support comes in many different forms. But not enough support, and basically, too much going out, not enough coming in and those adrenal glands just get kind of stressed out in weak and don’t function right.
When they don’t function right, what happens is they slow down that release of cortisol. When they slow down that release of cortisol, so again, that end product at the end of that assembly line is not getting made anymore or not getting made at the speed that it should. And when that happens, what we experience is poor quality sleep, even though we’re extremely tired, because our neurotransmitters that would normally be governed by our rhythm of cortisol throughout the day is off, our rhythm of cortisol is off throughout the day, therefore, the neurotransmitters that take that as a cue are off, and so, therefore, we can’t sleep, we can’t rest. We get real kind of jittery and in nervous and then we start feeling bad.
A lot of times, that’s aches, pains, headaches, muscle cramps, you know, poor eating choices, or maybe sometimes eating too much, all of those are kind of that adrenal fatigue kind of picture. And then if left unchecked for a long period of time, then it starts going into other systems of the body that become dysregulated and then you have problem upon problem just building and amplifying and kind of snowballing, if you will. But, you know, adrenal fatigue doesn’t have to happen. We live in a stressful world. We live in a stressful environment. That’s okay. If we actually take care of ourselves and we actually replenish what it is that’s being lost, we can survive very long, long periods of time with very high stress levels and still be okay.
Because if we supply that, you know, fast-moving assembly line, if we’re resupplying it all the time, then it’s fine. It can continue to go. We just have to do minor repairs here and there and we’re good to go. So it’s not saying that you can’t withstand stress and it’s not saying that we have to totally get out of our stressful situation or things like that. It’s just saying that there’s ways to manage and there’s ways to kind of replenish and nurture that environment and that self inside of us. So therefore, we don’t have to continue with the adrenal fatigue and/or we don’t have to really get real deep into adrenal fatigue.
Michelle: Yeah, because I remember that I had visited a doctor before and I had mentioned to her that I had the suspicion of this going on. And even though it was tested, I guess it wasn’t to the levels of severity, like it was affecting other systems for her to recognize that there was a problem there, even though the moment that you and I started supporting through vitamins and minerals in a very natural way, a lot of those symptoms completely went away.
And that was incredibly like a breakthrough to me, like a big aha moment, wow, you know, like this is going forward in my mind in terms of taking care of ourselves and really thinking about health and wellness as the cornerstone and as a foundation for wealth of any kind is really looking at it in a more comprehensive way and not only looking at it when it’s almost like when it’s too late. But how can I support it, you know, as I go along? And can you tell us a little bit about modalities and things that you guys incorporate in your practice whether it be to entrepreneurial athletes such as myself or your athletes actually…real sports, you know, athletic people?
Dr. Anderson: And we deal with all kinds. So, again, some of the therapies that we utilize, obviously, is repletion of the vitamins and minerals, the fatty acids, the amino acids, building up those cornerstones. And the way we do that is through a couple of ways. One is kind of educating patients on the proper diet. So how to eat and what to eat. And, you know, I try to give tips about, you know, if people are traveling a whole lot like how to eat healthier whenever you’re traveling and on the road and in and out of airports and that type of thing. So that’s part of it.
The other part of it is supplements. So vitamins, minerals, sometimes botanical medicine, all of that type of thing kind of coming in and being an adjunct to the food that we’re eating. So, you know, proper food and proper timing of food, meaning you don’t just eat one meal a day type of thing, and then supplementing that food with the supplements. And what the supplements do is, like I said earlier, our food sources these days are not as nutrition dense as they really need to be and as they should be. We over farm a lot of our soils and those nutrients are being lost. The other thing is they’re lost in transport.
So, you know, the garden that you grow out back and you transfer it from your backyard to your kitchen and then you eat it at night, you know, there’s not many minerals and vitamins lost in that transport time. But if it’s grown in South America and transported up through and then distributed through the distribution houses and then finally gets to your supermarket shelf and then gets put out on the supermarket shelf and then everybody kind of picks over it and they take it home and it sits in the refrigerator for a week, and then you finally eat it, well, that’s a really long time for all those nutrients and everything else to be depleted. So we can expect our food sources to be great. And so that’s where we supplement with “supplements.”
And that gives us all of those nutrients that we look for in those tests. And that way we can target it too. And, you know, if you’re low in certain areas, so let’s say you’re low in B vitamins and that type of thing, there’s foods that I’ll tell you to eat and then there’s supplements that I’ll give you because we’re gonna target those specific areas. And then outside of that, we can also do IV therapies. So that’s direct into your circulatory system. So we put the vitamins and minerals directly into your circulatory system. And what this does is it supercharges you. It goes right in and there’s no need to digest it, absorb it, transport it, whatever, it’s just right there for your cells to take hold of.
Michelle: So I have been the recipient of this, and oh my god, I cannot speak more highly about it, even though I hate the process of the needles, but…
Dr. Anderson: I know. I know. You know, it’s like the means to an end, right?
Michelle: Yes, absolutely.
Dr. Anderson: You know, we don’t always like dealing with banks but it’s a means to an end for our financial support or whatever. So it’s the same type of thing. You know, it’s a good way to get it in, and especially if we need targeted therapies in high doses right now. So if someone is really depleted and they need a lot of support right off the bat, I will start with the IV therapies concurrently with the supplements. So that way they’re getting both. Those IV therapies are, you know, a couple times a week or things like that. And then those supplements are every day, every 12 hours, let’s say, if you’re taking them twice a day. So that’s kind of that underlying support in between all of those IV therapies.
And then here at the clinic, we have lots of other therapies too. We’ve got photodynamic therapy, which is using wavelengths of light to help the body be in balance and that’s used for circulatory issues and just overall general health, energy metabolism, that type of thing. You know, a lot of people are used to like the red light facials and things like that right now. And, you know, but that can be utilized for the entire body. And so it’s not just for your face, there’s lots of benefits of light. And if we think about it, you know, there’s tons of benefits of sunlight. It helps regulate lots of systems in our body and it’s very good for us in proper doses.
You know, obviously, don’t go out and burn your skin off. But in proper doses, sunlight is very good for us. And so we can imagine that fractions of that light, meaning the red wavelength, the blue wavelengths, and the yellow wavelength, you know, all of those are part of that prison that makes up white light, which is our sun. Those are very therapeutic to us. So we use light therapy here in the clinic. We’ll also use cold lasers, which are kind of in that realm of photodynamic therapy. We will use magnetic therapy. So sometimes that means like a pulsed electromagnetic frequency that helps…
Michelle: Just all kinds of like Ninja stuff to like calm the nervous system. I remember…
Dr. Anderson: Oh, yeah. And then, you know, and we’ve got kind of full spectrum of it. And what you wanna do, you want to, again, kind of balance that body. And one of the best things that you can do, especially for stressed-out people, is kind of balance that fight or flight and rest or relax, sympathetic versus parasympathetic nervous system. And that can really make a huge shift in people’s lives, allow them to think clearly, sleep well, and be very productive during their kind of workday, if you will.
Michelle: Yes. Talking about being productive in your work day, so how do you get in flow? I mean, the name of this podcast is “In FLOW,” right? So how you get in flow to bring ease, grace, lightness in your day because you’re seeing patients every day from, I don’t know, maybe 8:00 to 4:00? How do you incorporate or what do you do to bring that lightness into your day?
Dr. Anderson: What I do is I start my day…so before I ever, you know, see patients or even get to the office, you know, I start my day…and I educate my patients to do the same thing, Start my day by going outside and having some fresh air, fresh sunlight. And, you know, so I stand out and put my feet on the ground and feel very grounded. I do some deep breathing exercises, sometimes some yoga poses, sometimes some meditation, so that way, I get myself centered and I set my intentions for the day. And those kind of 10 minutes or so that I spend outside every morning, they really do help set the tone for my day.
And so that’s one of the ways I can start my day. And then throughout my day, there are aromatherapy diffusers here in the office so sometimes I’ll put in certain scents. Sometimes I will use them. It kind of depends on my mood and my day and what I’m dealing with with my patients. But aromatherapy is another good way. The other thing that I do, and I encourage my patients to do the same, is just take little respites for yourself.
Even if you’re having a really busy, stressful day and you’re running everywhere. Even if you just take some really deep kinda cleansing, relaxing breaths, you know, as you’re getting your refill on your water or as you’re waiting for the elevator if you’re in a high rise building or something like that. Those are the times that you just kinda center on yourself and like cast out the rest of the world and say, “Okay, I’m just going to have this moment to focus and kinda center myself and ground myself and then be ready for whatever is coming next.”
The other thing is, you know, I try to eat healthy. So I start off my day with a very good nutritious usually protein smoothie. And so I’ve got fruits and vegetables and I’ve got all types of kind of powdered supplements and liquid supplements in there. And so I’m starting off my day and, you know, breakfast is supposed to be breaking the fast of the evening. So you will have fasted all night long because you were sleeping, hopefully. And then you’re going to have a very kinda nutritious breakfast. And so that breakfast is really to kinda set the tone for your digestive tract for the day and to give you that mental clarity in the morning.
And so, you know, a good protein type of breakfast, it doesn’t have to be a smoothie but that’s what fits my schedule and my lifestyle. And so there’s vitamins, there’s minerals, there’s botanicals, there’s all kinds of stuff in there along with, you know, 20 to 25 grams of protein and all those other good things. And then throughout the day, I make sure that I get plenty of water. I make sure that, you know, I’m getting some bites of food here and there. If I can’t get a full meal in, I take bites of food. And I use a lot of organic food, fruits, vegetables, meats, that type of thing. So that way, whatever I’m taking into my body is the healthiest that it can be and provide…
Michelle: It’s whole food nutrition.
Dr. Anderson: Whole food, yeah.
Michelle: As you were talking about breaking the fast and how this intermittent fasting has become, you know, incredibly, wildly popular and actually giving people incredible results. I also know from experience that it isn’t for everyone, especially if you’re dealing with adrenal fatigue. I kinda had to like learn that the hard way because that is really causing even more stress and increasing, you know, cortisol levels even more and therefore preventing you from burning fat and so on. And so it isn’t for everyone.
And perhaps the windows of time, if they are just expanded, you know, a little bit so that they are bigger. Your eating window is the one that I mean, you know. It can start slowly working for you as you start managing the adrenal fatigue. You know, you will start to see better results. But I know that when I first, you know, heard about it, I thought, “Ooh, that sounds like a fabulous idea.” And then not really putting those two together that that wasn’t gonna work just like it was prescribed in that box by that one system.
Dr. Anderson: Yes. Exactly. Because, you know, one size does not fit all and you really have to understand where you’re at and then what your body needs at that particular time. The diets and the diet fads that kinda come and go. Part of the reason why they come and then they go is because they didn’t work for people. And I hardly ever use…whenever I’m talking about nutrition, I hardly ever tell patients that I’m going to put them on a diet. Because diet is something that you do for a short period of time and then you go back to your lifestyle.
So what I’m interested in my patients doing is making a lifestyle change. So we have conversations about what fits your lifestyle. You know, if I’m talking to, you know, a working person and they leave the house at 7 a.m. and they don’t get home until 6:30 p.m. and they really can’t manage because they’re all over the place, they can’t manage to take their, you know, home food with them, that’s completely different than maybe a stay at home mom who has, you know, access to being able to cook and prepare different meals all day long.
So you’ve got to kinda work around what’s proper for the patient, what fits their schedule and then make it a true lifestyle change. If it’s just a diet, it’s only going to stay for a very short period of time. If it’s a true transformation of lifestyle then it will be like that from that point forward. And then they can teach others, whether it’s their spouses or their children or whatever, how to have a better lifestyle overall. Because that’s really where it boils down to is if your lifestyle is good and the way it should be, again, we can handle those stresses and we can handle almost anything that comes to us as long as we have the right tools. And that’s part of those tools that we need to definitely have in order to optimize our health.
Michelle: So to wrap it up, what top three things for a woman that is out there as an entrepreneur working, what three things would you leave them considering that, wow, we are the first generation of women to have the privilege of actually experiencing burnout?
Dr. Anderson: Right. Yes, we are. Yes, we are.
Michelle: To prevent that, what would what be three pieces of advice?
Dr. Anderson: Right. Probably first is to find time for yourself. Even if it’s, like I said, five minutes first thing in the morning or even if it’s five minutes before you go to bed, just find time that is for yourself, that you can focus and center yourself and you kinda find that peaceful wellbeing within you. I can take the most sick person and there’s still a peaceful wellbeing somewhere in that person. And so you need to relate to that person. And so just that kinda centered feeling. And it doesn’t take much and it’s fairly simple to do. And if you don’t know how to do it, the best thing to do is just to take very long, deep breaths. And if it’s only two deep breaths that you can take every day, then that’s what you do, and you move forward from there.
So, you know, finding that kinda center of your body and of your mental clarity. So that and then the next thing would be eating healthy. So doing whatever you can do right now to eat a healthy diet. And that would be things like limiting any refined foods. If it doesn’t look like it did whenever it was grown in the field, you probably shouldn’t eat it. So broccoli should look like broccoli and, you know, chicken should look like a chicken breast or a chicken leg and not like a chicken nugget. So eating good food.
Michelle: Can you tell that to my daughter?
Dr. Anderson: Right. And then so, you know, finding your center, eating good food, and probably the other thing is getting good sleep. And that can be very difficult for people because sleep is the time when our bodies rest and repair. You know, if you never turned your car engine off and you kept your car revving at 3000 RPMs all the time, it would conk out really soon. But, you know, if you turn it off and then you put gas in it and then you can go and have the oil change and you do these little maintenance things to it, you can run your car for a very long time and it can work very well for you. It’s the same thing with your body, you need to turn it off, you need to shut it down, it needs to rest, it needs to repair, and it does all of that during sleep. So we need to get good sleep. And there’s lots of…
Michelle: Ways to support good sleep as well, as I now know from you. Yes, supplements that can help you, all natural based that are non-addictive, just basically support and help you start that ritual in the evening of calming down the nervous system.
Dr. Anderson: Yes, yes. And so those are probably the top three things that I think everybody should kinda focus on just to start with. And then if I were to say like top three areas of, you know, like where to focus, it’s usually like energy, hormones, nutrients, those are kinda my areas that I really kinda hone in on, especially for women, especially stressed-out women, men too. Because, you know, if you kinda fix a lot of those issues, you’re gonna go a long way with lots of things that are, you know, important to people. So you’ve got to have great health in order to be successful in whatever you’re doing. And so health is kinda that cornerstone. And again, if you don’t have health nothing else really matters. I mean…
Michelle: Absolutely. You can have all the financial success and you can not enjoy it, believe me, if everything is hurting and seeing the world through a prism of a migraine headache. I can attest to that, that it’s gonna be of no good. Absolutely. What’s the best way, Kristy, for people or ladies or men, if there’s, you know, any enlightened men listening to us, to reach you or find out more about what you do?
Dr. Anderson: Sure. The best thing to do is go to the website, so causenta.com. That has a wealth of information on it. We’re constantly putting more stuff on it. And it gives you some background about all the practitioners here. It gives you background about what we’re doing, how we’re doing it. And there’s ways of getting a hold of us. Obviously, there’s our phone number, there’s our email, all of that right on that website. And so that’s the best way to go about finding out who we are, what we do, and then seeing if that’s a good fit for what you need.
Michelle: Perfect. And we’ll have that link for Causenta in our show notes so, you know, people will be able to go to and just click. Kristy, thank you so much for spending almost an hour here with me and sharing your knowledge, and also me sharing a little bit about how working with you basically was nothing but the best thing that could have happened for me back in 2011. So I thank you. I’m always grateful. You were the person that to begin with help me stand back up again. So I’m really grateful for that. Thank you so much, Kristy.
Dr. Anderson: Thank you. Have a great evening.
Michelle: Bye-bye.
Woman: I hope this episode left you feeling inspired and ready to get inflows of cash, inflows of light, and inflows of faith in your life. I welcome your reviews on iTunes. Please leave me a review and help me create an amazing community of women in flow. Thank you as always for sharing your voice by going to michellebosch.com and joining the conversation about this show. And while you’re there, grab a copy of my “10 Commandments to Living a Life In Flow.” You can also follow me on Facebook @Michelle Bosch and on Instagram @Michelle Bosch Official. Thank you very much, and until the next one.
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