I’m so excited to announce the ONE-HUNDREDTH episode of the InFLOW podcast! I am so thrilled to have had the opportunity to give you a window into the lives of some of the most amazing women over the past couple years.
For this extra special episode, I compiled some of the most powerful and impactful clips into a “Best Of” Hour of Power. I seriously could not be more excited to share them with you. Here’s a taste!
#066: Taking Control of Your Financial Destiny w/Barbara Huson. When were you happiest? That’s where you’ll find your purpose. Know who you are and what you want.
#001: Mentoring Millionaire Women w/Ali Brown. Her clients have a greater calling, something bigger to be birthed. They feel trapped in excellence and want to move into genius.
#063: Financial Freedom with Land Flipping w/Megan Autrey. Don’t be afraid to bet on yourself just because you don’t have experience. Get out there and try new things.
#024: Whole Life Leadership w/Claudia Chan. Women, get comfortable with leadership and redefine it as purpose-driven, inclusive, whole-life-driven, and accessible.
#057: Thinking Practically About Finance w/Farnoosh Torabi. Women need financial agency. A single-income household is often in big trouble if there’s a job loss or divorce.
#013: Multifamily Investing w/Monick Halm. Monick’s philosophy: people first and relationship for life. She gets to know the investors, then finds a deal that fits them and their needs.
#042: Faster Way to Fat Loss w/Amanda Tress. If something feels off, something IS off. Amanda shares three components to success for long-term fat loss, health, and wellness.
#034: Empowering Women to Financial Freedom w/Liz Faircloth and Andresa Guidelli. When things aren’t going well, you form a deeper connection with the divine. Never give up.
#067: 10x Thinking to Get 10x Results. There are four pillars in every business: the why, the who, the what, and the how. Get clarity on those four things so you can leave a legacy.
#039: Defining Your Success Equation w/Sharon Lechter. Women lack self-confidence with money, but we don’t have to. Take the time to really look at your money situation today.
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Thank you for joining me on my InFLOW journey! I couldn’t do this with YOU! Here’s to a hundred more empowering and inspiring episodes!
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