Have you ever had a day where you’re so completely in the zone, so in flow, where grace touches you at every corner? A day where you’re fully present and engaged, and lose all track of time, as hour after energizing hour goes by? That was my day yesterday, and I decided to share it with you. Not because I want you to use it as a formula, or a template, for how your ideal day should go, but as inspiration and encouragement. A peek at what can happen when you’re on fire from sunup to sundown, living out your highest, fullest purpose all day long.
I woke up at 5:45 am on this Monday morning, did a bit of breathwork—deep inhalations, slow exhalations—to gather myself together to go powerfully into my day. Then a 10-minute meditation. Then some lipstick and started a 6-hour coaching session with my mentor in his 10x program. It was a complete game-changer for me. Then a call with the Head Coach of our program. A call about hiring a new team member. A call about marketing plans. And on and on, each interaction filling me up more and more.
It was just one amazing encounter after another, including some beautiful moments with our daughter. We finished off the day slowly, in an incredible state of reflective gratitude. I want to do big, hairy, audacious things in the world. I want to leave a dent in the universe. I want to leave an amazing legacy for generations to come. And that happens one precious day at a time.
Listen Here:
In this episode of the InFLOW podcast, I share:
- Powerful ideas for starting your day off on the right foot
- Why Jack and I are such big believers in coaching and mentorship
- A description of the amazing human being we’re looking to hire for our team
- The wins we got to celebrate with our daughter
When something energizes you instead of depleting you, go for it full force. Give it your all. Use life all up. We aren’t going to live forever. This life is a gift. My day was a gift.
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial
Join us for our next Land Profit Generator Masterclass starting May 10 at 9:00am (PDT). It’s a FREE 5-day class where we teach the fundamentals of land flipping, but also how to scale and become CEO of your land flipping business and find entrepreneurial freedom.
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