No matter what kind of business you’re running, I have some timeless principles that will help you scale quickly and bring the right people on board. Building a team that’s bigger than you will give you the opportunity to enjoy the four freedoms of money, time, relationships, and purpose. If everything in your business (deals, offers, sales, marketing) depends on you, these freedoms will never be yours.
In the beginning, you might start small with a VA or independent contractor. But, eventually, you’ll want to pivot into thinking about a team that is all in on you, and you are all in on them. You’ll bring people on board who embody your core values, who become like family, who see opportunities for personal and career development, and who are truly excited about the dynamic growth of the company.
You will be tempted to dump all your unwanted tasks onto your new hire and let them figure it out, but you need to think long-term. You need to train them, explain the purpose of each task and the impact it has on the company as a whole. Give them a list of criteria. Break down the steps. Have a rhythm for supervising and checking in. Feedback and constructive criticism is huge. Put in the time and energy at the beginning, and your return on involvement will be exponential.
Listen Here:
In this episode of the InFLOW podcast, I share:
- The key characteristics to look for in a new employee
- How hiring 2-3 people at once to compete for a role collapses time
- How to leverage technology to simplify the onboarding/training process
Remember that you are offering an amazing opportunity to someone. It’s a privilege and an honor to align themselves with a CEO like you, someone with integrity, operating in excellence, and bringing incredible value to the marketplace and to the world.
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial
Join us for our next Land Profit Generator Masterclass starting May 10 at 9:00am (PDT). It’s a FREE 5-day class where we teach the fundamentals of land flipping, but also how to scale and become CEO of your land flipping business and find entrepreneurial freedom.
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