It was such an honor to have Rachael Jayne Groover, bestselling author and CEO/founder of The Awakened School, join us on this week’s podcast. We talked about some very powerful feminine concepts like the womb space, the energetic center of a woman. When we connect with that center, we send a sincere, authentic, strong energy signal out into the world. When a woman is in this space, you don’t have to know her very well to trust her and connect with her.
Rachael Jayne’s Art of Feminine Presence work has a tagline: be seen, be heard, and inspire change. These days in business, getting and holding people’s attention is the most important thing. Everything is flying so much faster every year. Being visible used to be Rachael Jayne’s biggest fear. In her experience, when she excelled at something, people cut her down. She didn’t want attention because it didn’t feel safe, but she knew she had to get attention if she wanted to grow her business.
A lot of her work is about healing the trauma of being seen. She teaches women different practices they can use on a daily basis to connect with their womb space, to stay in their vertical core of energy. The more connected we are to this space, the more powerfully we’ll communicate and connect with others.
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In this episode of the InFLOW podcast, Rachael Jayne shares:
- How women can be both powerful and feminine
- What can happen when you disconnect from your womb space
- The difference between mindset and energetic work
She has a special message for those just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey (and for all of us): “You first. You are the signal and the receiving channel for money, for ideas, for clarity, for opportunities to land in your lap.”
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial
Join us for our next Land Profit Generator Masterclass starting May 10 at 9:00am (PDT). And click here to find out more about a free workshop Rachael Jane has to offer.
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