Holly Signorelli is a CPA and Wealth Strategist for 7&8 figure clients. She has a particular expertise with Doctors, Dentists and Real Estate Investors. She is also an Investment Advisor Representative of Cabana LLC. Holly is the author of Do You Know Where Your Money Is® and The Secret to Wealth: How To Change Your Money Story.
In this episode of In Flow, Michelle Bosch chats to Holly about her background, including her experience growing up in a huge family. Holly also chats about her book, including topics around how we restrict ourselves with our emotions and misconceptions around money. If you want to reshape your views towards finances, this is the episode for you!
Listen and enjoy:
What’s inside:
- Find out about Holly’s interesting background
- Learn some tips on how to save on your taxes
- Discover how you are holding yourself back when it comes to money
- Understand how Holly incorporates spirituality into her life
Find out more!
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- Get Holly’s Book and find out more about her at: https://www.themoneytherapist.com/
- Want to contact Holly directly? Email her at holly@themoneytherapist.com
- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial/
Michelle: Welcome to the “InFlow” podcast. I am your host, Michelle Bosch. I see a gaping hole across society that focuses on the outer work and forgets about the inner work. When what we really need is to bridge the gap between prosperity and spirituality, to live a life in flow, with inflows of light, inflows of cash, inflows of creativity, inflows of grace in our lives. Each week, join me for powerful messages and interviews that will leave you inspired and ready to step into flow in your higher work. So, now, let’s go.
Welcome to the “InFlow” podcast. I am your host, Michelle Bosch. This morning, I have a very good friend with me on the show. And we will be talking money, taxes, liability protection as well as a psychology of money. Her name is Holly Signorelli. Holly is a CPA and wealth strategist for seven and eight-figure clients. She has a particular expertise with doctors, dentists, and real estate investors. She is also an investment advisor representative of Cabana LLC. Holly is also the author of, “Do You Know Where Your Money Is” and “The Secret to Wealth: How to Change Your Money Story.” And I actually met Holly last year at an all-women’s event here in Phoenix. And she was sitting at my table, and when it was time to introduce ourselves, and I heard what she did for a living and her interests… We just clicked. Her interests and mine were very similar and that she’s a CPA, she’s a number’s, finances monies girl. But she’s also incredibly fascinated just like I am with spirituality and the psychology aspect of money, and just abundance in general.
So, we stayed in touch and she was so gracious and sent me her latest book, “The Secret to Wealth: How to Change Your Money Story” as a gift right before Christmas, that was perfect timing. And so, thank you Holly, and welcome to the show.
Holly: Yeah, I’m happy to be here, definitely.
Michelle: Perfect, thank you so much for making time for us. I’ll just go ahead and get straight into it and start asking away. So, tell us a little bit about your background and how you grew up around money. I know you grew up in a very interesting way, with a very large family. How were those beginnings and how do you decide you want to become at some point in your life a CPA? Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Holly: Okay, yeah, sure. So, I was very blessed to come into a family that I was deeply wanted. And there was four of us, four kids, and my parents were a foster family, we were a foster family. So, we had 44 foster kids, not all at the same time, but sometimes we’d have two at a time. So, there was always like the fifth kid in there. So, I just grew up that way, and that was our normal, right? If you don’t know any difference. So, it was interesting because all of those people that were coming to us that we were fostering, maybe they had had one of them, for example, there was a fire when they were… I was out of town, and so one of the kids that we had was very, very burned and we were taking care of them while the parents were getting better also. You kind of like you see these people that really, you know, you think, “Oh, wow, you know, this is their reality,” and then they get to come here in a house and be like deeply loved. So, you know, and I grew up that way, you know, that just to feel that way.
And when it came to money, my parents… There was just one income obviously because my mom was taking care of the kids and the fosters. And so, we didn’t really make a lot of money but we had everything that we needed. And when I was probably like somewhere around 14 or 15, I realized if I wanted really some… You know back in the day where he wanted to the Jordache jeans or whatever was popular. I realized that I needed just to work if I wanted to get those extra things. And so that was easy for me because I didn’t mind working and I felt empowered even at a young age to be able to do the things that I want to do and have the things that I want to do. So, I’ve always thought that money is actually available. You know, nobody ever told me growing up that money was bad or that it was greedy. And so, I’ve always been able to make money.
And one of the things that, and we might talk about this a little bit more later in the book, is that at a very early time in my life I had sprained my wrist and I was supposed to go to a very important event for gymnastics. And I was crying, you know, and just really crying out to God about, you know, healing my hand. And I looked down and there was like this green hand on my wrist and it was like immediately healed. And although that doesn’t have to do with money, it became something like money for me. Because I thought, wow, you know I was very young I was like 10 years old when that happened. So, kind of over the years I started realizing that we are more powerful than we think that we are. And I started playing around with that with money and realizing that just believing that something is possible does make it possible. So, whether that would be for healing, or for money, or anything like that.
Michelle: Yeah, absolutely. You know, your cells are always listening and responding. And therefore, sending all kinds of chemicals and really a physiological response, a really very real response is happening in your body. And therefore, you’re really creating different realities depending on what you’re feeling and the messages that you send to yourself. So, I totally get what you’re saying, totally.
Now, I know that your clients are high earning professionals now. You know, at some point you decided you wanted to become a CPA, you have been doing that successfully, and I know you work a lot with doctors, with real estate investors. What are some things specifically for real estate investors to consider when starting their business to save either on taxes or to have liability protection? What are some things that when you want to start a business that you should do from a tax standpoint?
Holly: Yes, definitely. One of the biggest things, this happens all the time no matter what kind of company somebody is setting up is they set up an LLC. And then… But they don’t realize that setting up an LLC is just the very first part of this, what you’re supposed to be doing. Because once you set up an LLC, then you need to decide what kind of LLC you want to be. So, for example, you know, a lot of people that have… It doesn’t matter whether you’re a partnership or if you’re an S corp because with real estate it’s an investment, okay? So, really a lot of people do both, you know, if you have partners most of the time you’re going to have a partnership, you know. So, you’re gonna take your LLC and you’re gonna turn it into a partnership. And this is very easy because it’s actually something that your CPA does the first year when you set up your LLC. They can either set you as an S corp, so you would be talking to that CPA about, you know, is this the better way to do it you know. So, should it be an S corp or should it be a partnership, but most of the time you don’t want to just be an LLC and not create those things because sometimes when people are doing real estate investing, they’re doing some other kinds of things too that may be taxed in a different way.
So, that’s… And again, this is pretty easy, you get your LLC set up and then you go to your CPA and see which kind of…which one that would be best for you and then they do it on the tax return. It’s something… It’s a form on the tax return that tells the IRS what kind of LLC that you’re gonna have.
Michelle: Yeah.
Holly: And a lot of people they don’t take… When you set up an LLC, you really need to not intermingle things with other things or your personal things. It’s not like against the rules or anything, it just makes it easier because when people start buying or, you know, personal stuff through their company. Then what happens is they look at the number in their bank account and it’s… they actually owe more tax than they know because they’re looking at it like let’s say they are at the end of the year and they just have like $10,000, you know, left in there or whatever. They kind of lose how much taxes they need to be doing throughout the year. So, one thing I do, and I think any CPA can do this, is when people are doing real estate I tell them to call me before they do something and before they sell. You know, because there’s so many different ways to sell and save taxes and like the 1031 exchanges that I think most people know about but don’t really, you know, take advantage of. And I tell my clients that because I work with so many people that do real estate, sometimes they may call me for just 15 or 30 minutes. And I’ll charge them for that 15 or 30 minutes because I’ll probably save them hundreds of thousands of dollars.
So, don’t be afraid, you know, sometimes people like with lawyers and CPAs, they get scared about a big fee. But if it’s just 15 or 30 minutes, it’s not going to cost you much. But I will tell you that… And in many times I had people not call me because they didn’t want to pay for something that probably would have cost maybe $200 and then they end up paying a huge amount of taxes that they didn’t have to pay.
Michelle: Now, in terms of the different possibilities that you can turn an LLC into like whether it’s an S, a C corp. do you have any, like, broad guidelines as to when do you decide that an S is better, or a C, or a partnership, or whatever?
Holly: Well, if you’re a one-man show, then you’re gonna have to be an S corp. They would be better to be an S Corp. Because if you have partners… You can have partners in an S corp, by the way. So, there could be like partners in an S corp, but if you actually have a bunch of partners, you want to do it in a partnership because inside the partnership, you can have, for each person that is a partner, different roles. So, like somebody could have a certain percentage of, like, let’s say there’s income coming from the rentals, right?
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Holly: And everybody shares in that in the same amount, or it might be different. Maybe one person is more engaged and they’re getting 50% and two other people are getting 25%, 25%, you, so they can change that. And also interestingly with partnerships, is basically you can also have it where when the house is sold that then people can get paid differently then also. And one of the biggest things that I will tell you that is probably the worst thing that ever happens in partnerships, is that most of the time when people are partnering, they are either family, friends, you know, and sometimes they have [inaudible 00:12:47] other investors. But what happens is, this happens every year, somebody, they set something up but they don’t really have an agreement, not necessarily legally, but like to talk to each other what the roles are. Because there’s usually somebody doing a lot of work and they want to get paid for that work. And then you have the investor and they’re supposed to be like 50/50.
But, typically, what happens is, you know, a year later when you’re in a long remodel, then what happens is they start like hating each other. And the only reason this happens is because they didn’t really talk about each of the people’s roles, and who was going to get paid and how, you know. And that’s the most important thing you can do. You can go to the attorney and have him, you know, him or her write all kinds of things and then nobody can really read from an attorney, right? It’s like reading the text, you know, guys it’s like difficult. But it’s about having a conversation, one-on-one, like what is your role, what are you expecting out of this. Because that’s why they kind of implode like in the next year because they can’t work together. And everybody is angry. And it’s not because of money it’s because of where the money is actually going. It’s not that the money is…that there’s not enough money, it’s that they’re not agreeing on where the money should be.
Michelle: Yeah, absolutely. Partnerships are great when everything is great, and when everything is not so great if you have not agreed on how you’re gonna disagree. I can totally see how you see a lot of that every year. Now, what is the most significant winning strategy for seven-figure earners when it comes to saving on taxes or keeping their finances in order, you know, in order to… And when I’m thinking about it is like if you wanted to capitalize on an opportunity and wanted to, you know, jump on investment and you need to have certain ducks in a row, you know, because you’re gonna go and ask for financing. Like what’s the best strategy that you have out there for seven-figure earners in terms of positioning themselves to capitalize in such investment opportunities.
Holly: Yes, absolutely. One of the things that I do for a lot of my clients it’s called a defined benefit plan. Some people know what that is and some people don’t. Part of it is kind of like having a 401(k) like most people are aware of how those work. But defined benefit plans if you are making seven and eight-figure money for that kind of stuff, then basically you can… There’s a very strong algorithm about a defined benefit plans, we won’t get into that too much right now. But depending on how many employees you have, and a lot of times with real estate investors it’s just two or three people. You know, there’s not a bunch of employees and stuff, it just depends on what you have there. But you can put into these things as much as like $500,000, I mean, and you can get a substantial ridiculous tax deduction, and the money is going to you. You know, a lot of people they’re trying to save taxes by buying something, but maybe you don’t need to buy something, why don’t you just put some money into your own account that you get to keep it and then at the same time you still get to take this massive tax deduction. You know, outside of, you know, everybody knows about IRAs and things like that.
Michelle: Yeah, [inaudible 00:16:26].
Holly: Or like the bigger numbers. Yeah. And they work really well.
Michelle: Now, when do you think is the best time to invest in real estate, or when have you seen a lot of your clients doing the best in terms of really maximizing profits and so on and so forth?
Holly: Yeah, I’ve noticed this last year because the market was… It was really high, you know, and it’s been high for a couple years. And so, some of the people that started, they were just starting it for the first time. What I’ve been seeing is the people that are doing it for the first time are actually losing money. Not a bunch of money, but they’re just losing a small amount. But then you’re putting, you know, three, six months into something and then not getting any profits, so that can be demoralizing obviously. Whereas, the clients that I work with that they do it for a living and that’s what they do, is they wait until the market goes down, and then they get their real estate at a lower price, obviously. And most of the time when I see the people that make the most amount of money is while it’s down and you buy low. You know, it’s kind of like in Vegas, right? Everybody wants to do the opposite of what they’re supposed to, and then they hang on to it for however many years because we all know that real estate goes up and down up and down. And then when it goes… So, if you rent during the low when you’ve bought it low end and then you’re renting. Then when it goes up, when the levels go up that’s when you sell. Oh, I think it was like set at 2017 that a bunch of my bigger clients that just do this for a living made a ton of money doing that. But you just have to be patient [inaudible 00:18:20]
Michelle: Yeah, and that’s like music to my ears. We, you know, we’ve followed that same strategy with Jack back in 2008. We were sitting on a ton of liquidity, you know, from land flips and just a lot of cash flow coming in also from seller financing from notes, and that’s exactly what we did. Everyone was like running away from the market, but Phoenix was absolutely for sale. We were able to get $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 homes, put 10 grand into them and then rent them from anywhere between $800 and $1,100. And now those properties have appreciated three or four times what we paid even more in some areas.
Holly: Oh, yeah.
Michele: And so, yeah. I totally get the buy when it’s slow which is really a contrarian kind of a move because you really have to stomach being able to stand on your own, and in doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing, you know, in that time which is trying to dump, dump, dumping and get out of it and staying away from it.
Holly: Exactly.
Michelle: Yeah, and so, it really also is a perfect segue, I think to talk a little bit about the emotions around money in your books. So, let me switch gears now here at this point, let’s talk about the book and let’s talk about some of the concepts that you describe there. And how emotions or feelings of lack, or lack of boundaries affect your wealth, and/or keep you from being wealthy. Can you talk to us a little bit about that, and have you either experienced that personally or with your clients whichever way.
Holly: Yeah, it’s both. You know, money is really a spiritual thing. Okay, I mean, it’s a solid thing but it’s a spiritual thing. So when part… The biggest part of the book is that I was collaborating with Dr. Lisa Barrett who is a neuroscientist. And I learned so much stuff from this person because we talked about, like, having affirmations and things like that. But I realized that when I was done with this book after working with this lady, I realized that our brain is part of the law of attraction, and I know that sounds crazy to some people, but think about it. Your brain is just an organ, so what you tell yourself about anything, whether it would be, you know real estate or money of any kind, you will only see that because you only… Your brain will only show you what you are thinking about. And so, it’s so important how you think about money.
So, the best thing that I like to say is that it’s in the book is when you get a new car, it doesn’t have to be a brand new car, then what happens? You’re driving down the road and now you see your car everywhere, right? Everywhere. And that what it is is it’s that because you’re excited about it and you have a new car or whatever, so you see it everywhere. So, think about like your relationship with money. Most of the time when I’m dealing with even clients that have seven and eight figures, they’d never feel like they have enough money or they’ll have a really good year, and then they’ll say, “Oh, I probably can’t have another good year next year.” Like, they’re already telling themselves something. And then what will happen is if you continue to talk that way you will only see people that are in that same feeling. And that’s what happens with people with money, they start to congregate together. So, I always say this too, like if your friend came to you and they said, “Man, I want to get married. I’m ready to get to my soul mate.” You would give them all kinds of advice of how they could get the best, you know, person to be with for the rest of their life.
But if anybody comes around with a negative money story, everybody collaborates with it. The next thing you know there’s like a group of people talking about, you know, negative money stories. So, even though… Because of what I said earlier at the beginning of I realized that what you say… Even when I was in a teenager is what’s gonna happen is what’s going to happen.
Michelle: Yeah, I think you just desscribed right now what you say in your book is symbiotic resonance, you know, the physics.
Holly: Yeah, that’s when two things come together and become a whole. So, in love that would be like, “Oh, we are… We love this, we love that,” right? But what is your symbiotic relationship with money? Is it as a bad one? Is it a good one, like is it the one that you want it to be? And the thing is now, you know, on a spiritual level, the energies of the planet are getting faster and faster every single year now. We are in this place where you need to think what you’re saying before you say it now because those things will happen. But the good part of it is that you can actually manifest money better than ever because of those energies if you just can believe that it’s possible. There’s trillions of dollars on the planet, so the money, it really is possible. But I think the best way to manifest money is to talk as if you already have it. And I do that all the time, and it’s very powerful. So, if there’s something that I want, I talk to myself and write it up, you know, that I already have it. And it ends up coming up probably more than what I’m even asking for.
Michelle: No, I totally get it. I know what you’re saying and not just to yourself but in general, what do you say with your body language? Do you stand, you know, with your shoulders down, with your head down, and how are you communicating and not just with words but with your body physically when people see you and you’re trying to network, or find deals, or opportunities, or people to finance your investments. There is these subtle messages on how we speak and how we present ourselves that we’re sending out. And when we stand assertive, more than likely we will also come across other people that are assertive as well and that appreciate what you’re doing in your expertise and so on and so forth. And they’re willing to work with you and partner with you, so I totally get what you’re saying there with symbiotic resonance. And how basically your reality exterior mirrors what your reality interior in your inner world is all about.
What do you… Because I know you said right now, you say to yourself that I have money, or you use some kind of positive words towards yourself or self-talk. So, what do you attribute your success to? Is it in part to that? Tell us a little bit more about that.
Holly: I’m gonna give you the example of like December is obviously not where there’s [inaudible 00:25:45] taxes and stuff and I have retainers and everything. But in this December, I was like, “This December is going to be the best, most profitable December ever.” And part of my affirmation was, you know because it’s at the end of the year before tax season so I need a break, that I would have to do very little work and still get money and also go to all kinds of fun parties, you know. And we had so much money coming in and there was very little work, we took two weeks off at the end completely, and we went to more parties than ever in December. And it was, you know, it was just…I had already said that’s what it was going to be. Like just because it’s December, it doesn’t mean that there’s not going to be more money coming in. Because money can come in all very different ways, you know.
Michelle: Yeah.
Holly: And I didn’t even like do anything to try to get that money, it just came to me out of nowhere, you know. And that’s continuing to happen with me, like people coming to do much bigger investments, or you know, for CPAs stuff and insurance and things like that. So, I think that when you actually become who you are, then it’s like everything comes to you when you believe what you really believe in and what you really want. So, last year, I was doing a lot of different things intentionally. And then by the time when we were in Phoenix, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. And when you get crystal clear about that, then that’s when the law of attraction kicks in. It’s waiting for you always, but if you’re not clear then you’re not going to get it until you’re clear. And that’s okay, it is okay to have a year like that or three or four months where you’re doing a bunch of different things to see what makes you feel good. But when you do get crystal clear that’s when things will start happening that you weren’t even expecting.
Michelle: Absolutely, clarity is power. Now, I wanted to also like make a clarification or perhaps ask you if you can clarify that what you’re saying if you’re listening to this is, what Holly is saying is not that just simply believing on it and not doing the work means that money’s gonna be coming in whether you’re doing the work or not. No, you have to be doing the work, you need to stretch and you need to meet God halfway and take the inspire actions, you know, that are gonna bring you forward. But the quality of state of mind in which you’re taking those actions are what’s going to kind of like magnetize or bring into your sphere either the people, or the opportunities, or the projects that will help you manifest whatever X amount of dollars you have in your mind and so on and so forth. Is that what you’re saying, correct?
Holly: Yes, yeah, definitely. I mean, there’s got to be action. But I think what a lot of people do and I used to do this myself too, is they get very technical about it. Like, okay, I’m just gonna be like a CPA right now. Like, okay, that I’m asking for like five really great clients, but what if one, you know… There’s other types of things that I can do that would be even easier, here’s a better way to say it. When we don’t have the money that we want or anything else it’s because we have resistance, we might not think we do but we do. Like there’s some… Because the universe goes off of your emotions. When you say it does matter, you know, like I said about the neuroscience, but sometimes you have to start with those affirmations so that you can get your emotions in check and feel good about it.
Michelle: Absolutely.
Holly: And, you know, so it’s kind of there’s [inaudible 00:30:06]
Michelle: And from there take inspired action, yeah, yeah.
Holly: Yes.
Michelle: Even like, for example, now that I think about it and, you know, a lot of women I think struggle with especially if you are in your own business and it’s with the lack of boundaries and not really owning their worth. When it comes to… I know you mention it in the book. People will call you can I… You know, I have a 5-minute call or a quick question or a quick 5 or 15-minute question, but that… And you’re happy to help them, but at some point, you decided, “Okay, you know, I will start charging for that 15 or 30 or 1 hour because sometimes they turn into hour questions. And the moment that you start setting those boundaries, some people are not going to like it, but the people that appreciate the advice that you’re giving them are gonna stay with you, are gonna find you. And it’ll become easier and… How I like to call it, effortless, you know, to work with clients that appreciate your work and your worth.
Holly: Yeah. The other thing too though is if people are just constantly calling you and maybe you’re just, you know, a lot of my clients are retainers every month. But if somebody’s just…I only see them at the end of the year and then they’re calling me constantly throughout the year, it turns into like two weeks of my life. I mean, you know, I’ve done the math on that, right? It’s like that doesn’t make sense and at the same time, I can give somebody some… Like in 15 or 30 minutes, I can save them hundreds of thousands of dollars and they’re only paying like $100 or $200 depending on the time, like, you know what I mean?
Michelle: Yeah.
Holly: It’s like it wouldn’t make sense for me to throughout the year be doing that for free.
Michele: Absolutely, yeah. Holly, how do you incorporate spirituality or how do you get inflow to get inflows of cash. I know you said, you know, you use a little bit of affirmations to get the process and the juices flowing and going. What else do you do during the day?
Holly: So, I have some kind of like what I call my sorceress stuff. So, like I have a room, it’s actually a gym. You know, there’s always that extra dining room that nobody uses and I turned it into a gym, and I have a lot of crystals and stuff in there too. And so, in the morning because I’m a morning person, I like to go in there and I listen to a certain kind of music that just makes me feel really, really good. One of the things that I do is if I am feeling like out of my zone, you know like I’m… Maybe I feel resistance myself. What I do and I’m telling you everyone that I’ve ever told this says this is, 100% works…
Michelle: Holly, let me interrupt you. When you say resistance, where are you feeling the resistance?
Holly: That’s what I was going to tell you.
Michelle: Okay, great.
Holly: It’s different for everyone. So, like one day, a couple months ago, I felt it in my, you know, heart area. So, I [inaudible 00:33:08] and I started thinking like, “Well, you know, I’ve been able to heal myself most of my life.” And I was like, “Well, wait a second what if I have some resistance, you know, here in my heart.” So, I started like massaging it like I was breaking down, physically breaking down the resistance. And this could be in your stomach, it could be in your back, it could be a headache. You know, a lot of people that get really bad headaches, you know. And so, when I’ve started working with people like that, everybody says it makes sense because what happens is once you break it down with your physical hands, wherever the resistance is because you will know where it is, and where it is is going to give you an indicator too. Because, you know, if it’s in your heart then it has to do with your heart, if it’s in your stomach it’s probably with like your business or making a decision, you know, something like that. So, when you do that…
Michelle: So, basically it’s resist… When we talk about resistance, it’s not necessarily something mental. It’s basically a physiological, it’s a feeling something that you feel in your body.
Holly: Yes.
Michelle: You’re using your body as a tool to kind of figure out where the resistance is.
Holly: Yes, and you’ll…but you’ll know. You’ll know because you’ll feel it. And then once you like kind of break that down, you know, then you take your hands out and then you push it out of your body, and it actually works. So, you just kind of need to be in a little safe place and, you know, realize where that resistance is in your body, kind of break it down with your hands and then push that energy away from your body because you don’t want it in there. And you can do that, that anyone can do that, anyone can do that, and you’ll feel better afterwards. So, you know even some people that I work with it that are not spiritual have done it, and they’ve been like, “Wow” you know. So, it is interesting. You know, I always say that we’re the CEO of our body, you know, I mean we’re supposed to be in control of that. So, we do have more control over our bodies. And if we don’t do it, you know, then people start to get sick, you know, all the time.
Michelle: Yeah. Now, what advice or what do you wish you would have known at the beginning that you know now that you have for our listeners.
Holly: Okay. So, well, I know for me when I started I worked for somebody for like five years. And I worked at a smaller company because I wanted to learn everything so that I could run something. And during that five-year period, and this could apply to anybody in whatever, you know, field that you’re in. But over the five years that I worked with this other guy, I was getting connections with bankers and lawyers. And I wasn’t asking for anything from them, I was giving them clients, you know, from that. And so, when I started my company, I was like 28 at the time, and I didn’t have to have any capital. Some of my clients that came with me, actually prepaid me because they were so excited that I was getting my own company. And so, it’s you know, you really want to give more than take is what I’m saying because, you know, I wasn’t planning on that happening but it happened because I had been giving for, you know…. It’s like the Signorelli thing. You know, it’s like you’re helping each other, so but was not an agenda, you know.
Michelle: Absolutely.
Holly: And I think that’s why my company grew so fast without any capital.
Michelle: Wonderful, thank you so much. Now, what is the best way for people to reach you if they wanted to either know about your book, or get your book, or work with you in some way? What’s the best way to reach you?
Holly: Okay. So, the best way because my name is kind of like stumps people is themoneytherapist.com. So that’s my website the moneytherapist.com and the book is right there and it takes you right to Amazon. So, if you want the book, or the Kindle, or the audio it’s all there in the same place. And if anybody wanted to reach me, it would be Holly, so that’s just holly@themoneytherapist.com.
Michelle: Wonderful, that’s great.
Holly: Yeah.
Michelle: I didn’t even know about that website, I’ll check it out too.
Holly: All right, it’s cool.
Michelle: Thank you. Well, thank you so much for spending, it’s almost been 45 minutes now of our time together. And I thank you so much for bringing a different perspective, you know, to money and not just the black and white CPA type of work. But a little bit of about, you know, the spiritual side of money and psychology behind money. I thank you very much, and I hope to have you maybe some other time in the future.
Holly: Sounds great, thank you.
Michelle: Thank you, bye-bye. I hope this episode left you feeling inspired and ready to get inflows of cash, inflows of light, and inflows of faith in your life. I welcome your reviews on iTunes, please leave me a review and help me create an amazing community of women InFlow. Thank you as always for sharing your voice by going to michellebosch.com and joining the conversation about this show. And while you’re there, grab a copy of my “Ten Commandments to Living A life Inflow.” You can also follow me on Facebook @michellebosch and on Instagram @michelleboschofficial. Thank you very much and until the next one.
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