Claudia Chan is the CEO of S.H.E GLOBG, a platform that helps over 100 companies unlock a diverse and inclusive workforce to transform both its culture and its communities. She is also the founder of the award-winning leadership conference S.H.E. Summit that has made advancing women and workplace inclusion both accessible and actionable.
In this episode, Michelle Bosch chats to Claudia about the concept of Whole Life Leadership, her book and how she incorporates spirituality into her life in order to create In Flows of cash, ease and grace. You’ll also learn about the exciting course that Claudia will be hosting – one that Michelle wholeheartedly endorses.
Listen and enjoy:
What’s inside:
- Learn about the concept of Whole Life Leadership
- Discover how Claudia Chan actively works towards the empowerment of women and a diverse & inclusive workplace
- Find out how Claudia Chan lives a life In Flow
- Get involved in Claudia’s new course
Find out more!
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial/
- Realize your highest potential and register for the How We Rise Leadership Course: https://www.michellebosch.com/shesummit
- Follow Claudia Chan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/claudiachan
- Check out Claudia Chan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/claudiachanwagner
Michelle: Welcome to the InFLOW Podcast. I am your host, Michelle Bosch. I see a gaping hole across society that focuses on the outer work and forgets about the inner work when what we really need is to bridge the gap between prosperity and spirituality, to live a life in flow with inflows of light, inflows of cash, inflows of creativity, inflows of grace in our lives. Each week, join me for powerful messages and interviews that will leave you inspired and ready to step into flow in your higher work. So, now, let’s go.
Welcome to the InFLOW Podcast. I am your host, Michelle Bosch. Today I have a powerhouse woman with me as a guest, and I had the pleasure of listening to her speak last November at an event here in Phoenix. My guest today is Claudia Chan. She is the CEO of SHE Globl, a platform that helps over a hundred companies unlock a diverse and inclusive workforce to transform both its culture and its community. She is also the founder of the award-winning leadership conference, SHE Summit that has made advancing women and workplace inclusion both accessible and actionable. She has companies like Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Samsung, Bacardi, Home Depot, Adidas, Morgan Stanley, sending their rising talent to her for leadership transformation and to connect with private and public sector influencers to the summit. So, she is also known as the premier leadership and culture change expert accelerating diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and world today. It is an honor to have you. Welcome, Claudia Chan to the InFLOW Podcast.
Claudia: Thank you so much for having me. It’s an honor to be with you.
Michelle: It is an honor to have you, my friend. Thank you so much for coming on the InFLOW Podcast with me. So, I wanted to just dive in right away, Claudia, and start asking you about a stat that you shared back in November. When I heard you speak, that was like a punch to my stomach, and it made my heart ache incredibly. You shared that based on your global research, less than 2% to 3% of all real property in the world, and this includes the U.S., of course, is owned by women. The basic need for housing, which is hugely connected for us, women, who are hardwired for safety, you know, protection, nurturing, and certainty, that one of the biggest things, that the cornerstone of that, which is housing, is not equally owned by women in general at all. And as an investor in several asset classes, you know, going from land to homes to really large multifamily project, it has been my experience that although we live in a time of unprecedented opportunity for women, our courage has not caught up with it. And I find myself in a lot of investor meetings on my own or with a very small, like, I mean maybe another or maybe two other women alone in a group of other investors partaking in conversations about money and having their money work for them by investing in real estate. So, why do you think that is? Why is equality not there when it comes to representation and women interested or thinking about legacy when it comes to, like, real hard assets such as real estate?
Claudia: So, in terms of that stat that I shared, which at that conference a year ago, it was 60% of the world’s work is done by women and women earn 10% of the world’s income and only own 1% of the world’s property. Now, that was sort of global, like, you know, the state of women and girls globally. And that was definitely several years ago. So, I’m sure that those numbers have spiked up a little bit. But, you know, it’s interesting. If we have to look at, you know, the status of women and our economic empowerment and our status really from the first world perspective…and there’s a third world perspective, right? And we are literally probably the audience, I mean you and I, like we’re living in a developed country. This is like, we have a whole different level of circumstances. And so, I think in the context of that is you have to look at history. I mean, in America alone, you know, women haven’t had the right to vote yet for a hundred years. That’s 2020, you know. So, it’s really in terms of just… And when you even watch shows like “Mad Men,” you know, where, you know, women were basically stay-at-home housewives, and that took place in the 1950s and ’60s, like, you know, coming from history and where we are, you know, women have really never been at equal status to men even though if women make up half the population, right? So, it’s just where we are, I think, coming from in history. But I do believe… And there’s been many women’s movements. You know, I believe we’re in the fourth wave of the women’s movement and this is the one here to stay. Companies try to get more women into senior leadership positions, the gender pay gap, economic empowerment. So, we’re definitely in a very exciting time for, you know, gender equality and women’s empowerment. But I think it’s really now up to us, right? You, me and all the other, you know, movement drivers out there… You’re tackling the real estate industry, you know, financial empowerment industry. So, I think, you know, we all have… It’s not just one issue. We’re all tackling different aspects of it and step up as leaders and change agents for not only living in their highest potential but also lead change for issues they care about. You know, that’s the important work that has to be done today.
Michelle: Yes, absolutely. Now, I know, Claudia, that you were recently named one of eight UN women champions for innovation and you have been referred as a change agent maker and “Fast Company” has called you the “Richard Branson of Women’s Empowerment.” Tell me about your experience at the UN in this area, maybe either some stats or the kinds of topics that are being addressed at this international forum that are working towards closing the gap when it comes to equity and inclusion.
Claudia: So, at the UN, at UN Women, some of the big topics that we’re talking about, you know, when it comes to addressing the global empowerment of women and girls, you know, one topic that is really big is how do we enable more entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship amongst women all over the world is number one. Number two is technology and innovation. So, technology and technology skills are really important, having access to technology devices and technology tools. You know, so these are all… And also women in the workplace as well. Like, corporate America, big private sector companies that employ women, you know, what are some of the issues that women are facing in their workplace. So, these are all some things on a global level that are some of the hottest topics right now that I’m seeing. But I think ultimately, so much of…if we’re going to get to gender equality and just really get women on equal playing fields, a lot of it is really, you know, the internal barriers, you know, and the mindsets of women. I think that that is… You know, there’s two revolutions, right? There’s the one out there outside of us, right, that, you know, really everywhere from a pay gap perspective, from an economic prosperity perspective, from every single industry is predominantly male-dominated, right, so, we’ve got so many external barriers we need to take down. But really, the first barrier is really the one in the mind and really believing in ourselves, in our own personal potential. And I think when we master that, you know, how can we go out and win the battlefield outside when we haven’t…there’s a battlefield happening in our minds, right?
Michelle: Yeah. Absolutely. And I think that really goes towards a concept that you talk about, which is whole life leadership. Whether we know it or not, we’re all leading in some way. And we lead in our families, in our companies, in our communities, movements. But it’s all starting with leading in our own lives. And when I hear whole life leadership, what comes to mind is a very holistic approach that all of a sudden encompasses every category of my life, my health, my character, my intellect, my career, my relationships, my finances, my spiritual…you know? So, how did you come to this concept? I mean, it’s part of your personal journey, I’m assuming, but… And what does it mean to you? What does that encompass for you?
Claudia: Sure. Yeah. It’s a major… You know, I wrote a book called, “This Is How We Rise: Reach Your Highest Potential, Empower Women, Lead Change in the World.” And I wrote that book about a year and a half ago, and it’s a major chapter of the book. And see for me, you know, really stepping into our highest potential, women need to really start seeing themselves as leaders. And we, in so many ways, the term leader or leadership has been so inaccessible or unappealing and one dimensional for so long. You know, when you think leader, you’re like, oh, it’s a CEO of a company or it’s a, you know, middle-aged white man, or it’s a head of state. And, you know, you also think of it in terms of like, okay. It’s leading your career, it’s leading a team, it’s leading productivity, right? It’s leading my business well. And, you know, it’s so one dimensional and, you know, so many of the extraordinary women that I know, like, don’t associate with that word. And I think, like, that’s one of the biggest problems is that when we don’t see ourselves as leaders, we actually give up our influence and our power and our potential, right? Like, so much is, how do we view ourselves and step into who we want to become, right, and the power of who we are.
And so, just even naming, reframing your relationship with leadership so that you embody it and become one and raise your head like, “Yeah. I wanna cultivate, I wanna develop and become a better leader.” So, I think that’s number one is just, like, we gotta get women comfortable with the word. Number two is… So, we’ve got to redefine it. So, for me, what redefining leadership is to be something that’s purpose-driven, inclusive, whole life, integrated, and accessible. So, you know, whole life leadership, meaning that, you know, I actually… And even if you’re a stay-at-home mom, right, or stay-at-home dad and parent, you know, you’re leading, you know…that’s like the original leadership position. Like, you’re literally raising and shaping human beings, right? You know, like, you’re also the head of the healthcare at home, right? Like, all the doctor’s appointments, or head of nutrition, and food, and social development. Like, you’re leading already a lot of things. And so, you know, I think of it a lot as, you know, what are all the different life departments that make up our lives.
And, you know, so for me it’s, like, okay, there’s my mental and physical self-care. Like, that’s one department. Another one is like my marriage with my husband because if we’re good, our careers are hopefully good, our kids are pretty good, you know. Then there’s being a parent, then there’s being a team leader and leading my company, which is also my social impact. There’s leading my finances. So, when we start thinking about, you know, I’m in charge of leading all these areas of my life, well, that’s more sustainable, right? Because business, and just work, and success, it was never really…it was always defined according to a model where there’s a stay-at-home caregiver and, like, a working, breadwinning spouse, you know? Like that’s the traditional model we’re coming from. But now you’ve got all these women, right, and you’ve got all these other people that are actually, like, out-earning their spouses. But, like, you’re still managing childcare, you’re still managing home, you’re still managing… So, I think that, you know, we need a more integrated approach. So, whole life leadership to me is like, how do I lead and have this so that nothing…like, so I’m not killing myself running my business, and something else is at stake, at the stake of my house, at the stake of my marriage, at the stake of my finances, right? So, that’s a big part of it.
Michelle: Yeah. Now, in your book, which by the way, was named by CNBC as the top career book of 2018 and it was also featured in “The New York Times,” you talk about, “Shifting to a ‘me for we’ mindset, where individuals root their effort in a mission far bigger than personal success, and getting everyone – women and men – to work together for social change. By lifting others, we not only make the world better, but we can also discover our greatest meaning and achieve lasting fulfillment.” When I heard “meaning,” when I read “meaning,” I think about purpose, and you just mentioned the word “purpose” as well as part of this definition of what leadership is. How should we go about finding purpose? Do we ask ourselves, you know, “What does God want of me?” first or do we go and work on things that we deeply care about? And by doing so, we find our purpose or meaning? How do you go about that?
Claudia: So, basically… Thank you so much. It’s such a great question. So, for me, in the How We Rise leadership methodology, so I talk about there’s 13 pillars to rise to your highest potential. And for me, highest potential is really becoming the how do you help you become the leader or the person that both your destiny and humanity is calling you to be? Like, I believe there’s 7.6 billion people that’s on this planet, but there’s only one you, right? And that everything has happened for you. So, whether you’re 25, 45, 65 years old, you know, everything’s really happened for you, for you to lead change and become the person that you’re meant to become. And for me, pillar number one is basically, like, starting to get clarity on what your holistic purpose is. I say holistic because, you know, we all have many different purposes and I think it gets confusing. So, for me, it’s like I define my purpose of my personal realm, which is, like, my family, my kids, my financials, you know, like, all those things that matter to you personally, right? Like, we’re all working so hard so that we can provide for our families, right? So, that we can provide for our own passion and fulfill our own…ourselves. But then what’s your purpose in the societal realm and what’s your purpose…like, what’s that external social issue that, you know, that you’re gonna get behind? Like, who and what are you being called to empower and impact? And so, that’s really where, you know, that’s sort of module one as well of my leadership course, which is really, you know, taking the time to do the self-reflection work around that. But oftentimes, the topic is related to your pain. I say pain is your positive impact. Like, what is something that you’ve been through or part of your story, you know, or something that you’ve witnessed where you’re like, “Oh my gosh, this is a white space, like clearly, like, this needs to change, right? This is an area that clearly needs empowerment and transformation.” And it just sort of hits you in the heart, and you’re like, “Wow, like, this is what I’m meant to do.”
And like, for you, Michelle, like you have, you know, come from the real estate business and, like, that’s a huge part of your movement. Like, your movement in many ways is on the multi-tiers. But for me, it seems like, you know, taking on, you know, the real estate industry, like my girlfriend who runs Girls Who Code, trying to close the gender gap in the tech industry. So, because it’s like a massive role, it’s where future jobs are, right? And, like, you’re seeing this massive gender gap, you know, in the real estate industry and like, oh my gosh, within that industry alone, I mean, there’s so many different issues, right? I mean, like, what level…like, what aspect of real estate, right? So also, you know, economic prosperity is also a big part of your movement. So, I think that, you know, once we all do the work and get clarity, it’s beautiful because then you sort of have this north star and the bigger why behind all the hard work that you put into your life and your work. Like, you have so much clarity on meaning. When we have clarity on meaning, it just it reenergizes us to really take our impact to the next level.
Michelle: Absolutely. It definitely has become my north star for sure. Now, also, in your book you talk about, you know, spiritual growth at the center of what makes a life be a fulfilling life. And not only that, but operating at our full potential. And for me, one of my biggest fears is not operating at that. So, when I read that sentence, I was like, “You had me.” And so… And your model, you know, goes from spiritual growth, and then in concentric circles, outwards, goes into personal growth, into leadership growth, and into social change. And this podcast is about bridging the gap between prosperity and spirituality, basically bridging the inner and the outer world. And so, can you talk a little bit about why did you make spiritual growth the cornerstone in that model, you know?
Claudia: Yes. Yes. Yeah. You know, and I love that about your brand too because I think that oftentimes, spirituality is so, you know…there’s such a stigma around it and oftentimes, you know, it’s hard to really go there, and I’m like, “Gosh. How do any of us really unlock our potential without talking about spirituality?” So, for me…
Michelle: Absolutely. It has been the foundation. That’s the reason why I think we have been so successful in real estate, yeah.
Claudia: Yeah. And so, I think for me, it was, you know, when I had hit, like, this point in my life, running a business for 10 years and just sort of had to find myself and find, you know, a higher purpose, you know, I married a southerner, and I started going to church and I just really…I became a Christian. But basically, for me, it was really learning…like, it was that spiritual education and growth. And for you, whatever that spirituality means. For me, it’s Christianity and a very…like, I guess a more traditional sense, but it just it started getting me thinking about, you know, the higher meaning of my life, right? And the fact that… You know, I call it the outside-in perspective, not like what my purpose is, or, like, “It’s all about me, myself, and I. What’s gonna make me happy?” But what is God’s expectation of me? What’s God’s purpose for me? What’s the universe’s, you know…and that everything has happened for me and that, you know, that I am not a human person having a spiritual experience, but I’m actually a spiritual person having a human experience. So, like, the way that I see the world, the way that I saw the world completely shifted once I became spiritual, you know? It was just putting my life in a whole other perspective and that my life is actually supposed to be in service. Like, my time here is not to extract from the universe, but to actually serve and really give my life away, right? And so, you know, like, that’s the path, that your highest potential actually lies in lifting others as we rise. It’s actually being here is about contribution and about, you know, contributing to this humanity.
And so, plugging me into that spiritual perspective now all of a sudden, when it comes to those core limiting beliefs, when it comes to all that like personal baggage that we all have… So, everybody has got, like, core limiting beliefs. Everybody’s got their self-esteem issues. Everybody’s got their internal barriers, right? And all that is sourced from the parents, you know, like, our childhoods, like, whatever. Like, we all have our internal stuff, and it’s just being human. And I think that it was… But when I get back to spirit, when I get back to spirit, and I start thinking about, you know, all the teachings, right, of having faith and trusting that everything has happened for me and constantly, you know, being in grace and gratitude and when I connect with all that spiritual growth stuff, it’s really allowed me to personally develop, you know, to actually…it’s optimized my ability to have personal development and personal growth and to work through a lot of my internal baggage and stuff. And then from there, like, then it’s like, “Okay, well, I wanna actually make an impact while I’m here.” Like, “I need to become a leader.” Like, “I need to develop as a leader.” So, personal growth and development work optimizes your leadership development and your ability to grow as a leader. And then leadership development, the more we can actually work on our integrity, our character, values, and really develop as a leader, the more social impact we can make while we’re here. So, hopefully, that makes sense. But all of this process of spiritual, personal, leadership growth to social impact, that’s really become this, you know, cycle, this life leadership methodology that’s really become the foundation of my How We Rise book, and course, and just my life’s work. So, I feel that they’re all intertwined, but I feel like you’re not gonna really ever maximize as a leader without personal growth and you’re never going to really get through all that personal growth stuff without spiritual connection.
Michelle: Absolutely. Now, like I said earlier, my vehicle for outer wealth is real estate and foundational to that has been the inner work. Now, in the course that you are going to be starting, it’s June 17th, correct?
Claudia: Yes, is when it begins. Correct. Yeah.
Michelle: Is when it begins. So, that course you are talking, or you are walking people through some of those key, foundational principles or habits. What are some of these habits or principles that you’re walking people through?
Claudia: Yes. So, basically, I mean, at a high level, it’s an eight-week course. And for the first, since this is like the first round, an inaugural class, I’m actually gonna be teaching it live too. So, it’ll be like a one time opportunity where… And obviously, if you dial in and you can’t make it, you’ll get the recording and all the curriculum. But basically, week one is reframing yourself as a leader and redefining that. And then we really start working on week two is identifying the destination. I talk about life being like a life mountain, and you know, the top is whatever your highest potential and starting to think like, what is your big holistic purpose? What is the big “why?” Getting you to start working on that. Then the vision is week three, which is the vehicle. It’s like the vehicle you drive to your highest potential. And that is really the career or the business that you’re running, right, that you’re driving. Like I talk about intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship, hyperpreneurship. Like, everybody has a different calling, right? For some people, they’re, like, corporate people. For some people, they’re entrepreneurial, you know, or, like, it’s a hybrid.
And then we move into the engine, or the healing. We do the healing work, which is basically on, you know, looking at your core limiting beliefs. Where are all the barriers that exist? How do we shift our relationship and go deeper into that healing work? Then the next week is the fuel, which is courage and community. You know, like, especially as women, we don’t spend enough time visioning, like, the highest vision or being crazy bold, right? Like, when you heard that statistic, like 1% of the world, you know, of women own property, right, like, doesn’t that just like want you to take your movement to the whole next level, you know? But sometimes, like, the bigger we vision, the bigger steps we take, right? Like, we don’t always land exactly where our dreams are, but we land so much farther than we would have if we had small dreams, right? So, I think, you know, it’s like how do we just stretch our dreaming and our visioning muscles and our courage muscles to really just create the future? Like, how do we just disrupt the future and just go after it, you know, and give it…like, leave nothing for the next life. Like just give it, you know, our all, right? How do we amplify that? So, we work on a lot of courage muscle building and then also talk about how community is so key because it’s in community and, like, who are you gonna surround yourself with, who’s going to be your tribe, to do that work.
And then we work through whole life leadership, help identify what your life departments are so you can… Because everybody’s always like, “How do you do it all, and how do you…” How do we create more capacity when women are just being asked to do more? It’s like, okay… You know, I mean, obviously I know there’s women and men in the group, but, like, we’re all asked to do more these days, right? It’s already hard, like, raising everything and now we’ve gotta change the world too. So, you know, we talk about how do we create capacity by, you know, basically emptying our bucket but refilling with self-love, and gratitude, and mindfulness and, and just, you know, the less obvious leadership traits. But I actually think self-love is, like, is a leadership habit. It really is. And then the last week is really planning your next rise, which is…and I talk about seasons of life because it’s not a sprint, it’s a lifelong journey of seasons, but we’re always rising. Even when we feel like we’re failing and we’re like in the hardest part of our lives, we’re actually still rising. So, anyway, so that’s a high-level summary of what, you know, what I’ll take you through in eight weeks and you’re going to walk out of it with a whole different perspective of your life, with clarity on higher purpose, set you on the trajectory towards your highest potential.
Michelle: Yeah. I’m like, “Well, darn.” I’m like, “I should probably enroll.”
Claudia: Yes, please.
Michelle: I was right now taking notes of all the, you know, different [inaudible 00:23:36] and I’m like, “My God, that sounds fantastic. I could be listening to you from the Maldives and just…” You know, because [crosstalk 00:23:42].
Claudia: Let’s do it. Yeah.
Michelle: We’re leaving tonight, but this sounds fantastic. Now, I read in your bio, you know, the words “mom of two,” and I know because I follow you on Instagram and on, you know, on Facebook and your two little ones, you know, are sometimes featured in your stories. And you have there the words “mom of two” and an equal partner with your husband, John. And I love reading that, you know, as part of your bio because it’s really a reflection of my own family. So, what do you do to make sure, or you guys as a family do to make sure that you have always inflows of cash, ease, and grace coming into your life?
Claudia: Yeah. And, like, gosh, we could hope to do an entire other episode on this too because the relationship with money and…you know, is so at the heart of just unleashing…it’s just it’s so, like, the distance between where so many people are versus where they wanna be, has to do with their relationship with money. And I think that every single one of us… I mean, you know, I was born in America, but my parents came from Taiwan. They survived the civil war in China. So, there’s a lot of, like, scarcity. Like, I grew up with a lot of scarcity stuff around money. You know, like, there’s never gonna be enough. Like, you know, money was so at the center of everything. And I think that for everybody, we all have our money story. And so, for me, it’s actually a part of my life that I’m super intentional and aware around because it’s, like, my greatest weakness. You know, because I do have this like Chinese immigrant, like, you know, sort of scarcity mentality, right, that I’ve had to be so proactive about managing. And so, therefore, in a way I can…you know, I know a lot about the subject matter because I’ve done so much work in it. So, I think that, you know, so much of it is actually… Like, we become… To stay in flow of prosperity is you have to constantly, mentally, you know, vision…like, put thoughts in your mind that are financially abundant, that are prosperous, that are, you know, just positive, right? And whatever core limiting beliefs you have, it’s like you almost have to write the opposite and constantly train your mind to focus on abundance, to focus on that there’s always enough, I’ve always had enough. And it’s like God always makes sure that there’s enough and that only more is coming, right, and that there is just… So it’s, I think a lot of it is just, you know, cultivating a financially abundant mindset and then feeling it. Constantly feeling wealthy, feeling that, you know… And then it’s not just also about money, that it’s also about love and that really money, at the end of the day, is not the center. Money is just another tool that we have.
And anyway, so that’s just, like, you know, I guess, the first thing, the immediate answer to the question. But I’m very, very proactive about abundance, abundance visioning and abundance feeling, and abundance…like always trying to push myself to think about the most positive scenario and also relish in on every moment and the wealth of every moment, like, the richness of every moment. I know I did that podcast about maximizing on the moment that you are in. And so, you know, I think that, like, this as well. Like, our connection right now, you know, our backgrounds and coming together and our collaboration, I mean this is so beautiful, and so abundant, and so wealthy, and only abundance is gonna come out of this conversation for both of us, right, and for all the readers that are listening. And I think like, how do we just maximize on this moment and be in the moment? And so, I think really, we have to learn how to train our minds, you know, like the way that we would train ourselves in anything. And we always neglect training our minds, but that is how I stay in it. And then I think whether it’s prayer, or meditation, or yoga to get me back to that when I ever don’t feel abundance, that’s what I do.
Michelle: Yeah. Wonderful. Yeah. Just collaboration gives rise to magic and new possibilities, new avenues that, you know, we don’t see even right now. But yeah. And always having that abundance mentality has always been key for us to always see everything that we do, not in a transactional way, but very transformational and that means that you have to be in it for the long run. Now, three top pieces of advice for women to start leading in their whole life. What would those be?
Claudia: Let’s see. I would say, I mean, the first one is actually just coming off of, you know, that we really need to train our minds like our body. It’s, like, you know, in terms of just…like maybe just take a moment and like assess, do an inventory of what your thoughts are. Like, we become…we are the sum of what our thoughts are. So, I think all for all of us it’s like constantly check in and just journal like, “What are my top five most common thoughts?” And to really make sure that those thoughts, because we become what we believe, we become what we think, thoughts become things… So, I think it’s just take inventory and, like… And then it’s about really then, “Okay. What should I be visioning? What should I be visioning and actually imaging,” right? Like, because my thought is like what I actually visualize, that’s what I’m thinking about.
Michelle: One of those five thoughts should not be shitty thoughts because otherwise, you’re [inaudible 00:28:51] just as shit.
Claudia: Yes. And whatever you resist persists. Like, whatever that negative thing that you keep on focusing on, you’re just manifesting more of that negativity. And so, you almost just have to step back and schedule a meeting with yourself and be like, “These are my thoughts,” and because those thoughts just have so much power, right? And then it’s like, “Okay then.” Then step two is, you know, “How do I change that story? How do I change, like, what should I be thinking about?” Like just, you know, start visioning, “What is the dream of the next few months? What is the dream of this year? What is the highest ideal version of X, Y, Z, right? And just have fun with it. And I think that… And then if we can actually spend and manage our minds to be actually thinking and visualizing, you know, those highest, those big-picture dreams and the positive stories, the positive sides of things, then it’s miraculous the miracle that will come out of that.
So, I would say, like, that’s what it feels and resonates with me right now because I just think it’s such a big topic. I know that amongst me and my community of friends and entrepreneurs, I think also too, as women specifically, you know, we’re all taking on more and more and more and so we’re all more tired, and we all feel more overwhelmed. I just did a leadership training on three steps, like, how to lead when we feel overwhelmed. And so, you know, I think just so much of managing our thoughts is a big piece of that. And I would say that… Yeah, I mean that… And then the last thing is like, you know, whatever… If you feel like you’re going through any… Like, if you feel overwhelmed right now, you know, just really to think of that as an innovation period that is happening, right? Like, change means innovation, and innovation means growth. So, if you’re going through anything hard or difficult, you know, it means like new muscle is breaking and growing, you know. And so, it’s actually, like, a positive thing is coming. And so, you know, spending time visioning about what that could be. So, those are just some of the things on how to lead your mind and lead your whole life well.
Michelle: Wonderful. Now, on this course, which I think I’m sold, where can people find more about you? I know that we will have in our show notes a link to your course, which I 100% fully endorse. This woman is fantastic. You will not be the same person at the beginning versus at the end. I just know, and I’m not even three quarters into the book. So, I know this is going to be an amazing experience for anyone that wants to take the opportunity to do that. But where can people find out more about you and where can they follow you and so on and so forth.
Claudia: Yeah. So, shesummit.com is our website, and shesummit.com/rise is the course. But definitely, I know Michelle, you’re gonna be sending out, you know, your dedicated link around it, so, definitely, you know, obviously stay tuned for your email and your info and… But shesummit.com is where I’m at. And also @claudiachan on Twitter, @claudiachanwagner on Instagram. You’ll find me when you just Google, “Claudia Chan,” “How We Rise,” “SHE Summit.” And yeah. No, I’m just so excited to stay in touch with your community and you. And I also have a How We Rise podcast as well. So, that’s just the How We Rise Leadership Podcast.
Michelle: Yes. And you definitely need to tune in. I have been tuning in as well. And now, tell me when is the next SHE Summit?
Claudia: Yeah. So, our eighth annual conference is actually gonna be this November. We’re actually have not announced the final final dates yet, but that’s gonna be in New York City, and yeah, it’s going to be great. It’ll be…You know, we’ve had over 500 speakers over the last 7 years from Deepak Chopra, Arianna Huffington, Kelly Clarkson, to all kinds of thought leaders, entrepreneurs, academics. This year it’s gonna be a bit more intimate. We’re changing things up a little bit. It’s gonna be a smaller, just more of an exclusive group of people because we wanna go deeper. And I’m definitely gonna bring some of my, How We Rise leadership training to it as well as having lots of other great panel sessions. And that’ll just be a great opportunity to also just meet other influential just people that are all leading change.
Michelle: Wonderful. Yes. So, thank you so much, Claudia, for being with me today. I know we had a little bit of miscommunication on the time and, you know, whether Eastern or Pacific. But I thank you so much for being able to jump on this call with me and, you know, and be with my listeners and my audience. I know you are, I think, in your children’s school or… I’m so grateful and so honored to have had the opportunity to talk to you. And then if you are listening, like we mentioned earlier, there will be a dedicated link if you’re interested in taking her course. I highly endorse it and, like I said, you will not be the same person. You will have figured out what your purpose is, your vision. Anything that needs healing will have been taken care of. You will have found the fuel, the courage, the community, and be on your way towards this whole life leadership concept that we were talking about at the beginning of this podcast. Thank you so much, Claudia, and I hope to see you soon, and I might just join you from the Maldives.
Claudia: That would be amazing. And I love your energy. Can I just tell you? Like, you guys like feel energy, right, through like… I think it’s our spirituality, like just bringing us together. So, you know, and I love community, and I was gonna end with, like, you talked about acceleration. Like, we accelerate through collaboration, you know. And I think that that’s where, you know, even being a part of this course and community, it’s also…there’s gonna be a group of, you know, of just amazing people like us, right, who are gonna be a part of the journey. And I think that that’s also just invaluable because more miracles come out of community. So, thank you for having me. Thank you.
Michelle: Thank you. Thank you so much. Take care. I hope this episode left you feeling inspired and ready to get inflows of cash, inflows of light, and inflows of faith in your life. I welcome your reviews on iTunes. Please leave me a review and help me create an amazing community of women in flow. Thank you as always, for sharing your voice by going to michellebosch.com and joining the conversation about this show. And while you’re there, grab a copy of my “10 Commandments to Living a Life In Flow.” You can also follow me on Facebook at Michelle Bocsh and on Instagram @michelleboschofficial. Thank you very much and until the next one.
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