In this episode, Michelle Bosch shares a tool as part of the Structured Rhythms of Success. This is something that she and her partner, Jack, use to take purposeful action and continue to call in and experience amazing breakthroughs in their lives every week. This tool is called a Weekly Rhythm for Leaders and it is a compilation of several strategies out there, to help you manage time, energy, joy, growth, prosperity, every week in your life.
Listen and enjoy:
What’s inside:
- Learn how to plan your week to encompass the concepts of Play, Plan & Produce
- Understand how Michelle Bosch keeps herself productive while still making time for herself
- Discover the power of planning play days in order to prevent burnout
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial/
- Download The Weekly Rhythm for Leaders and unlock your productivity: https://www.michellebosch.com/weeklyrhythm
Welcome to “The InFLOW Podcast.” I am your host, Michelle Bosch. I see a gaping hole across society, that focuses on the outer work and forgets about the inner work. And what we really need is to bridge the gap between prosperity and spirituality to live a life inflow, with inflows of light, inflows of cash, inflows of creativity, inflows of grace in our lives. Each week, join me for powerful messages and interviews that will leave you inspired and ready to step into flow in your higher work. So now, let’s go.
Welcome to “The InFLOW Podcast.” I am your host, Michelle Bosch. I’d like to share today, a tool that is part of our structure rhythms for success. Meaning, this is what helps us take purposeful action and continue to call in and experience amazing breakthroughs in our life every week, basically week in and week out. And if for some reason, you know, shit comes in our way in a specific week, this is what helps us get back on track. And I hope it does for you as well. This tool is called a weekly rhythm for leaders. And it helps us stay inflow, with inflows of cash, inflows of easy and effortless, and inflows of grace, always in our life. And it is a compilation of several strategies out there, you know, to help you manage time, energy, joy, growth, prosperity, every week in your life.
And it just comes from various programs and masterminds that I myself have attended, and that I have been a part of. So you get, in this one tool where I combine it all, the benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars that I have invested in my own growth and in my own success. This tool really enables me to wake up, to see new potential, to bring the subconscious into the conscious, so that I can start at the beginning of the week, start seeing and having visions with fresh eyes that help me take inspired action and be inflow, which is what the name of this podcast.
So the first part of the tool, let me jump right in, is it involves identifying three criticals for the week. And these three criticals can be in your personal life, you know, your relationships, your business, and your financial goals, or in your personal development. And I like critical action number one of the week of these three criticals, for it to be about personal development. And so, critical number one, for me has always been do…because I’m a stabilizer at my core, I like to do, what is one scary thing that will accelerate me this week, that will bring me as a person, as a leader of my family and business forward, that can accelerate, innovate, and help us basically break through to new places?
And so critical action one, for me, is do that one scary thing that week. Then critical number two is usually, for me, about strategies that are going to help my team and my business come forward in terms of generating revenue and accelerating our growth. So, critical number two is about bringing my team and my business forward, usually. And then critical number three is also about bringing my business forward. And it will subsequently, you know, help us generate revenue, and cash, and cash flow. But it really has to do with planning.
So, I like my critical number three to be about strategic planning, planning that needs my attention or guidance in either in the form of delegating, of co-creating a process with my team, of cleaning up messes that we’ve done in the past, whether it be with a team, with an employee, or with a partnership, or with a process, or with a customer where we screwed up. I mean, it’s about cleaning up messes in big ways, yeah? Whether in my business, in my personal life, in my health. So, I like that critical three to be about cleaning up messes. So, really, if you think about it, when you’re cleaning up messes, you’re really thinking about the past things that you have done in the past that were not done in the best way, and now you have to clean them up.
And anything that has to do with delegation, you know, which is kind of like my critical number two, or bringing business forward is about the present. And anything that has to do with doing scary things that will open up to new opportunities and new possibilities, it’s really about the future. So, and those three criticals, basically for the week, I address my past, my present, my future. So that is really component number one of this weekly rhythms tool. This tool, we only share with our high-level clients at the ultimate boardroom, and I’m pretty much sharing it with you today.
So the first component, like I said, are those three criticals, criticals that will move the needle forward in accelerating and stabilizing your growth in your own personal life and business. The second component of the tool is actually putting things on your calendar and chunking activities into three categories. And this is a one sheet. It’s not difficult. The three criticals are on the very top, and you identify the what and the who, basically, who’s gonna help you get those done. And then the bottom part of the sheet that I’m describing that you can download, you know, at the end of this podcast, I’m gonna share a link where you can download it is about actually defining Monday through Sunday, what each of those days is gonna look like.
It’s really about identifying, like I said at the beginning of the week, what you want to get done. And it’s a guiding principle. And as a guiding principle, I’m sorry, we use this concept of the three P’s for determining what each of our days is gonna be devoted to. And the three P’s stands for play, plan, and produce. So, play, plan, and produce, meaning, you will identify which day of the week will be about play, which day of the week will be about planning, and which days of the week will be about producing. And now, to talk a little bit about what each of those P stands for and more in-depth, let me start with production.
So production are days where you focus all your energy and effort in activities that will generate revenue. And when I mean focus your energies, I mean, 80% of your day will be spent on anything that is a revenue-generating activity. That’s what you do on production days. And so we focus on anything that’s gonna bring money, cash flow. This could be, for example, in the land business making offers, or also letter of intents or putting under contract apartments or talking to brokers. Also in the land business, it’s about selling properties. On the apartment side, for us, it’s raising capital, sales and marketing, in general, you know, finding new counties, new areas to go and target and send direct mail. On the land side, coordinating a closing, cashing your check after a closing. These would all be revenue-generating activities.
And you can decide which days of the week you’re gonna chunk up your time, and you’re gonna take care of all the offers that you have accumulated from people that have called you over the last week. We usually make offers on one day of the week, using this same guiding principle, the weekly rhythms that I’m sharing with you today. So moving on, the next one is planning, planning days. So you decide which days of the week are you gonna do planning. It could be that Mondays and Thursdays are your revenue-generating days, and maybe planning days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays or Fridays. So, it’s up to you to decide based on your circumstances, based on your time, what each of these days of the week will be in. And 80% of that day, if you decide that it’s gonna be production, if that’s what it’s gonna be, you shouldn’t be spending half of your day doing planning type of activities. You should spend them on production type of activities.
So now going in-depth into the planning days. So the planning days are days that are designed to help you delegate stuff that is not in your genius. This is how I get to do monumental things and bring monumental goals into reality. And it’s because I don’t do everything myself. I delegate stuff, and you should be too. And so, this means 80% of the day that I designate as a planning day is spent on activities that support me in either my personal or business life.
I work, for example, on the plan for the week, for the month, for the quarter, or for the year, or I plan anything that has… You know, I’m planning, I also do anything that has to do with creating processes, in order for me to be able to delegate to our team or creating procedures so that everything works smoothly. Planning days are also about developing relationships for our business and planning projects, land promotions that will generate revenue in the next, say, 90 days from today or within a year. So, it’s about having a little bit of more of a long-term outlook, it’s what a planning day is all about.
So going back to the planning days, also, what I get done on planning days is I learn from others. I have mentoring calls with my coach. I read, I delegate, I workout with my personal trainer. Anything that has to do with planning, either a production day or planning a great play day, I do on my planning days because that’s what they’re for. The third P is play. And I decide, I’m right now in a station in life, and I have been in a station of life of complete burnout, where halfway through my week, I need a play day. And I don’t know if you will have a situation where you can make that happen. But if you can, great. For me, you know, usually Wednesday’s is somewhat of a play day for me, and that 80% of my time, I devoted to activities that do not have to do with the business whatsoever, you know.
And it’s hard in the beginning to not think about business or do anything relating to business, especially when you work with your spouse. Jack and I have been working now for almost 18 years together. And so, it was hard at the beginning for us to have a 24 hour period of time when we did not discuss business, where it was all about relaxation, maximizing the moment with our family, with our daughter, about rejuvenation. It is about reading a novel or, for me, a spiritual book, or going to yoga, you know, my yoga class or hiking, or dancing, or it might be for you going to a game, to an art gallery, you name it, anything that you love and enjoy, and that it’s all about rejuvenation.
And the reason for my burnout back in 2011 was because I never thought about planning my play days on a weekly basis. So, I instead used up, you know, and filled up my time with planning and production because it was easier for me to work nonstop every day because we breathe and live what we do and what we teach. And so, rest is what I have learned that foundation for the production and for the planning days. It’s like a muscle. You know, the muscle grows when we rest. So we get to, also when we rest, integrate the breakthroughs of the production and planning days because you have a scheduled time to think about your thinking, for example. So, they really are a celebration and they should be a part of your week. Play days are incredibly important. I cannot stress how important it is.
Another thing that we do that is part of our weekly rhythm and it’s more of a daily rhythm, that is, for me, incredibly crucial important. It’s at the cornerstone. It’s the foundation, for me, to be able to go out there into the world is to, very first thing in the morning, connect with God, connect with the source, connect with the divine, whatever you call it, connect every day with yourself, some quiet time, so that you can walk around this world inspired, strong, not weak, you know? Who wants to be weak? So, always walk around the world feeling powerful.
If, for you, it is exercise first thing in the morning, do that if that’s what makes you feel powerful. If it is prayer, do that. If it’s a hike out in nature, do that. If it’s going out for a swim, do that, but connect with stillness, with yourself, with God, every single day before the hecticness of the day starts. It is so, so, so important. I get to be thankful for a new day, you know, when I first open my eyes. And in being thankful, and in bringing gratitude first thing, you also call in amazing possibilities first thing when you wake up. So, going back to why I like chunking or establishing what each day of my week will be about, whether it be play, plan, or production, and identifying my three criticals within those P’s is that what I like about that is that my energy and my whole being when I decide that I am in production day today, my whole being is focused and inflow on that specific type of activity.
And I’m not moving from wearing my marketing hat, wearing my production hat, wearing my management hat, you know, with my team, and delegating hat, and creating processes hat, I basically leverage the momentum of that one type of activity which is production, or whether it be planning. And I don’t have to move from one thing to the other. It requires a lot of momentum to get you going into production, for example, and get you in the train of mind say to make offers, to do research, you know, and doing comparable analysis. And if all of a sudden you have to go and be creative, and write a job description, and then you have to be creative on top of it on the phone with a buyer, you know, you always wanna be talking to buyers, you know.
So that’s why also even within this three P’s, there’s an 80% rule and the other 20%, you have some wiggle room there, you know, for returning calls to buyers, but once you have given 80% of your time to whichever P you’re working on that specific day. And so, that gives you the opportunity to have what I call, either vanilla days, or chocolate days, or strawberry days, and not have your life be a Neapolitan ice cream mess, where you have all flavors combined and you are exhausted and overwhelmed about your day. And ask me how I know that. That’s because I myself used to live in Neapolitan days. It required a little bit of discipline to get me into, you know, identifying which days of the week I was gonna devote to my planning, or my production, or my play.
But once you get going, it is so liberating to have that structure within your day to flow and be creative in that one type of activity. Yeah. And when you do that, you get to ride that momentum of focus, to be fully immersed in that one type of activity. And it allows you to experience timelessness. You lose track of time because you’re so grossly engaged in that experience, in that activity. And it almost moves from it being a human experience to being a divine experience what you’re working on. Yeah.
So, my recommendation is, once you decide that you would like to give this a go and, you know, try it on, and you are working on your play, production, and planning days, and if it’s a planning day, do that. If it’s production there, do that. If it’s a play day, do just that. Maximize that moment, and dare to not be distracted. Focus on that task at hand without gripping, of course, without trying to control, just work on the task at hand and move quickly to the next one of that same type of activity, whether it be playing, planning, or producing.
So, another thing that I’ve noticed is that if I’m on a roll, if I’m inflow in one of those types of activities on a specific day, I don’t stop. I keep going because I need to really capitalize on the energy flow, and in managing that energy, and continue to ride kind of, like, that wave if you were surfing, you know, continuing to run that way. And if it continues to fill me up with energy, what I’m doing on, I continue to do it. The moment I feel drained because exhaustion and when it’s time to stop usually manifests itself in the body, at least that’s how it does for me, you know when it’s time to stop.
And one word of caution, though, in deciding to stop with the type of activity that you’re devoting to that day is to not let fear or worry dictate whether, you know, you stop or not because fear and worry are also things that also manifest themselves in the body physically. They show up in your body. So you’ll have to exercise some discernment and see, “Okay. Am I feeling tired in my body because it’s time for me to let go of production because my mind and body need a break, or is it my mind that is talking me out of being brave and continuing moving forward in my business in this particular activity, whether it be making offers or comping [SP], doing research, or putting up listings, or talking to buyers,” whatever it be?
You know, maybe you’re scared of talking to the next buyer, you know, or of actually closing out on a sale with someone on the phone. So, you have to, you know, exercise a little bit of discernment to make sure that fear or worry are not the ones that are dictating a pause or the end of you riding that wave of whether it be a production day, a planning day, or a play day. And I think that is all I wanted to share, as far as this tool. If you’re interested in downloading the tool, it’s a one-pager that you can use every week to basically plan your week. And you can go to to download the tool, which is weekly rhythms, you can go to michellebosch.comforward/weeklyrhythm. Again, michellebosch.comforward/weeklyrhythm. And with that, I thank you very, very, very much for your time. I love spending time together with you. And I will talk to you in the next one.
If you liked this podcast and you would like to leave me a five-star review on iTunes, please do so. I would greatly appreciate it. It helps me rank up in the iTunes charts and be more accessible and reach more people, more women, where this would be a value to them. Also, if you are interested in any of the things that Jack and I do in terms of land or apartment investing, you can also go to my website michellebosch.com, and you can go on one of the boxes there on the homepage is learn education if you wanna learn about land. Go there if you wanna learn what we are doing on the investor’s side with passive investments in apartment buildings. You can always join my investor inflow list also on my website. Thank you very, very, very much, and until the next one, bye.
I hope this episode left you feeling inspired and ready to get inflows of cash, inflows of life, and inflows of faith in your life. I welcome your reviews on iTunes. Please leave me a review and help me create an amazing community of women inflow. Thank you as always for sharing your voice by going to michellebosch.com, and joining the conversation about this show. And while you’re there, grab a copy of my “Ten Commandments to Living a Life Inflow.” You can also follow me on Facebook at Michelle Bosh, and on Instagram @michelleboschofficial. Thank you very much, and until the next one.
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