Amanda Tress is the creator of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®, the Premier Virtual Intermittent Fasting Fitness and Nutrition Program. She teaches her clients how to burn fat and live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, and strategic workouts.
As a Certified Nutrition Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Personal Trainer, Amanda spent years in the gym working with people who were doing all the right things—without seeing results. Frustrated, she began experimenting with cutting-edge nutrition strategies and her clients immediately started to see a change. Amanda spent years fine-tuning these strategies to work together for optimal results.
In this episode, Michelle Bosch chats to Amanda about health & wellness and how she has implemented these practices into her own life. Amanda also discusses the her entrepreneurial journey and how she has created the fastest growing business in Tampa Bay.
Listen and enjoy:
What’s inside:
- Discover the secrets to fat loss and overall health
- Find out about Amanda Tress’ entrepreneurial journey
- Learn about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss
- Get amazing business advice from a leading female entrepreneur
Find out more!
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial/
- Find out more about FASTer Way to Fat Loss at: https://www.fasterwaytofatloss.com/#inflow
- Follow Amanda Tress on Instagram at: @amandatress
Michelle: Hi. I’m Michelle Bosch, real estate investor, mom, wife, and host of the “InFlow Podcast.” And I’m passionate about helping women invest in land and apartments.
If you’re tired of the ups and downs of the stock market or the hassles that come with investing with houses and are looking for investments that actually produce passive cash flow safely and predictably, join me each and every week for real estate investing strategies and interviews with thought leaders that will leave you inspired and ready to step into flow for inflows of cash, inflows of ease, and inflows of graces in your life.
Now, here on YouTube are the video versions of my podcast, and in order for you to get my latest information, please go ahead and subscribe. And now, let’s go.
Welcome to the “InFlow podcast.” I am your host, Michelle Bosch, very excited about my guest today. She is a very good friend, business owner, and an amazing female leader from the wellness industry.
I wanted her to be here today because the “InFlow Podcast” is not just about inflows of cash through real estate. It’s also about inflows of ease, and that can only come if you have health. Health is your first wealth. So, nothing really matters if you don’t have any health, and I have been able to experience that firsthand.
And my guest today is Amanda Tress. Amanda and I met a little bit over a year ago, and we’re both part of this group of, you know, women business owners. And since then, I have been watching her, you know, grow her business over the last year with incredible purpose with grace and with incredible amount of determination.
Amanda is a creator of the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss,” the Premier Virtual Intermittent Fasting Fitness and Nutrition Program in the marketplace today, and she is a certified nutrition, strength, and conditioning coach, has worked with more than I think over 100,000 online clients scaled at $25 million company, and is one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in the wellness industry.
She has one of the fastest-growing companies using mainly word-of-mouth and social media, which is incredible. And so, Amanda, thank you so much. Welcome to “InFlow.”
Amanda: Thank you so much for having me. I’m thrilled.
Michelle: Yes. I’m super happy to have you here. So, Amanda, let’s just go right into it. Tell us your story. How does the “FASTer Way” come about? What happened? You know, were you having any health challenges as well? What was going on, or is it mainly your clients? How did it all get started?
Amanda: Yeah, a really good question. I created the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” to solve the problems that other popular or expensive programs on the market were creating for my clients. One of those big problems that I was solving is that many of the women coming to me were actually under eating and overexercising.
And when someone under eats and over exercises or has chronically elevated levels of cortisol because of all the stress that they’re putting on their bodies, then, unfortunately, something’s gonna break. We’re gonna have issues with adrenal fatigue or suboptimal thyroid function. I was seeing this time and time and time again with my gym clients.
I also personally struggled with some health issues in the past. For example, I was on high blood pressure medication for extremely high blood pressure. I had some blood sugar issues as well, food sensitivities in addition to that.
So, I created a program that would work for me and allow me to really heal my own gut and body and thrive through the day with energy. But then I started offering it to my gym clients and ultimately to online clients all over the country. And the fact of the matter is the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” is the most effective, healthy, and sustainable fat loss program on the market.
And because of that, we’ve now worked with over 115,000 clients, truly who have just found out about us via word-of-mouth marketing. We’ve done no fancy advertising, very little PR. We just started working with a PR agency about six weeks ago. So it’s been really exciting to watch the growth and momentum just simply because the program works.
Michelle: If I know that I am either struggling with weight or with, you know, fatigue or with, you know, not having…a lot of people talk about, you know, foggy brain and so on and so forth, you know. Tell us some of the key components of the “FASTer Way” that go exactly towards a lot of those symptoms that a lot of doctors actually if you go and see them completely dismiss and, you know, think that you’re just…”Oh, you’re just a busy mom. You’re just tired.” But you shouldn’t be feeling this way. What are some of the key components?
Amanda: Yeah, absolutely. First and foremost, for everyone listening, if something feels off, it probably is off. So if you are extra tired, you’re hitting a 2 p.m. wall of exhaustion, you’re waking up in the middle of the night tired but wired, you’re unable to get through the day with joy and happiness, maybe you lost your spark, but yet you’re still holding on to midsection fat in spite of eating under 1,200 calories or even around 1,500 calories and working out or exercising on a consistent basis. Here’s the deal.
I tell people that there are three components for success for long-term fat loss, health, and wellness. One of those components is intermittent fasting. In my program, the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss,” we implement what’s called the 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol. And what that means is that we simply have longer periods of fasting and shorter periods of feeding or eating.
When we eat food, our bodies use quite a bit of energy to digest the food. When we’re at digest and rest, our bodies are able to heal. We’re able to boost immune system. There are numerous benefits of fasting. We’re able to balance hormones.
But the other really important elements of maintaining long-term fat loss, health, and wellness are eating enough of the right macronutrients and micronutrients. And what I often find is that women come to me and they’ve been under-eating, and because of that, they’re unable to thrive through the day. So we actually track macronutrients and micronutrients in the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss.” And because we’re eating more of the right foods, again, we balance hormones, we increase energy.
And then the third element for success is that it’s vital to be in community. We have an outstanding community with the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss,” women from all over the world with similar goals, people who are working toward a greater purpose, people who truly wanna make a positive impact on the marketplace, on their families, on their communities. And because of that, our ladies are successful. We have people who…
Michelle: And the men too.
Amanda: And the men too.
Michelle: Because Jack is incredibly thrilled by the support, the community. You know, every time he has a question, you know, he goes in there and whoever is his coach, you know, is super-fast to respond. The same, you know, was my experience. So, yeah, I’m sorry. Keep going.
Amanda: Yes, yes, yes. And community is vital. We have women in their 50s, 60s, 70s. They come through the program and they say, “I have never felt so supportive. I’ve found friends. I’ve now been able to connect with people who are like-minded.” And so it’s just really exciting to watch and see.
And what we do in the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” is that we actually provide a meal plan that our clients follow each and every week. We do a meal plan each week. In addition to the meal plan, we do live workouts with the entire community.
So, for example, this morning at 6:00 a.m., I led a live workout. We’ve had now 3,000 people already complete this workout in the [crosstalk 00:08:09] groups. We have a few different tracks. We have a gym track and at home track and a low-impact track.
But it’s really fun to do a workout and see that there are several thousand other people doing it. And then, of course, we have many, many thousand watch the replay if they’re unable to join live. It’s great for us to all be doing the same food blog and then the same workout on a daily basis.
Michelle: Yeah, absolutely. I know, for example, you just mentioned right now, you know, “I have ladies in their late 40s, 50s coming.” So who is this for? Because I just also, you know, shared with the audience that, you know, Jack has been doing it. I have been doing it. Who is it for?
Amanda: Yeah. That’s a great question. The average age of our clients is 42. However, we have a fairly wide range. We have anyone from an 18-year-old up to…I have literally women in their 70s and 80s now who are thriving through the program post-menopause.
Michelle: I saw your mom exercising.
Amanda: My mom did the program. She recently wrapped up her eight-week round. It took her three and a half years to join my program, but she did. And she did absolutely outstanding. My mom has struggled with her weight my entire life and with her confidence.
She is literally in the smallest size pants ever in my entire 33 years of life. She is thrilled. She couldn’t believe that it was working for her. And again, it took her three and a half years to even invest because she didn’t think it would. But it was funny. She would send me these text messages, and she’d say, “Amanda, this is for your eyes only. Don’t share this on social media, but this program is working. I’m in, you know, the smallest pants ever, and I’ve lost, you know, X amount of inches.” So she’s thrilled.
My dad is the lightest. He’s been since high school because he did it alongside her as well. So it’s been really exciting to watch women and men of all ages and all lifestyles thrive. The program, it’s really fantastic for anyone, you know, with a few exceptions, people who have pre-existing conditions.
Michelle: Yeah. What I love most about it, Amanda, is that it’s…you can really…yes, within the program, there’s a general framework and structure for it, but you can…at the beginning, you cannot do the 16/8, you know, protocol. You can, you know, have that, you know, feeding window be a little bit bigger. So it’s not like really hardcore.
It’s not something like, “Oh, my gosh, you’re failing if you’re not from day one doing this.” As a matter of fact, you have a week where you kind of like ease clients into it, you know, called prep week. You can adjust and you can accommodate.
When I first did it, the very first round that I did, I actually have to be frank, I didn’t do any of the workouts. I only stopped to, “Okay. Let me figure out. You know, I know, you know, how to buy a piece of real estate, but I’ve never figured out what is optimal, you know, amounts of micronutrients for my body. So let me at least figure that out. Let me first start with no dairy and no wheat,” which I think we haven’t…you haven’t talked about this.
But the non-scale victories that are so important and so pivotal part, you know, of your community, I started seeing those right away in terms of like the energy that I was having, the clarity, my ability to focus for, you know, more than an hour at a time, which that…
When I first met you, that was the very first thing. That’s the only thing I could do, about an hour and then I was like wiped out. And so slowly, you know, as your body starts cleaning up of all the garbage that you’ve put in over the years, you know, that stamina starts to come and that clarity and that, you know, mental sharpness and so on and so forth. So tell us about the non-scale victories. You don’t even allow anyone to get on the scale.
Amanda: Right. That is absolutely true. In the “FASTer Way,” we focus on progress, not perfection. But we also focus on non-scale victories, meaning there’s no reason for my clients to hop on a scale. I tell clients all the time, “The number on the scale is not a good representation of the progress and passion that you’re making toward your health and wellness goals.”
So we smash the scale. We throw the scale away. We do measurements. We consider energy levels. We consider if we’re sleeping well, if we’re not having digestive issues or bloating. But, you know, mindset’s really important. People who are optimistic and positive are far more successful in a wellness program but also life.
Michelle: Yeah. And right now, you just mention on something. So when I first met her, she sent me this little pyramid. And at the bottom of the pyramid…I can’t remember. I think it was sleep then nutrition or nutrition and then sleep, and then way at the top, it was exercise.
So when I saw that pyramid, I thought, “Okay. I’m giving myself permission to figure out the nutrition first and then have the workout come, you know, later.” And just following the nutrition from a size 10 to a size 8, Jack, in just four weeks, he actually did want to go hardcore with the workout. So in four weeks, he was able to lose nine pounds. [inaudible 00:13:39]. Sophia is like, “Oh, Papa, you’re gonna lose your belly. I like it. I like laying on it. It’s squishy.” She’s like, “You’re losing your belly, Papa. It’s disappearing, you know.”
Amanda: That’s so funny.
Michelle: But yeah, it was for him in terms of gain and muscle mass, especially in this abdominal area was…you know, it’s incredible.
Amanda: Yay.
Michelle: Yeah. And you know what? And sometimes we fall off the bandwagon for a couple of days, and immediately, we come back, and we’re like, “Okay. This is now our standard. This is, you know, the set point.” Anything else, you know, it’s great to be able to come back to, you know, two days. Mondays and Tuesdays were…you know, it’s low-carb to then, you know, two days of strength training where you eat regular carbs, and you’re not depriving yourself of the carbs. You’re just choosing better carbs.
Amanda: Right. Absolutely. Yes. Women and men, we need carbs to function optimally. Any lifestyle that would encourage you to completely eliminate a macronutrient or carbs is probably not a good long-term solution. So, yes, we carb cycle, which is a really important element as well.
Michelle: Yeah. Now, I wanted to…for anyone listening, if you are interested in learning more about Amanda and the “FASTer Way,” I would love to invite you to go to www.fasterwaytofatloss.com/#inflow and learn more about it. I wanna transition now, Amanda, into your role as the leader of the “FASTer Way.” You are a very purpose-driven individual. Tell me, how has that impacted the “FASTer Way” to differentiate yourself in the marketplace?
Amanda: Yeah. That’s a really great question. And just to give the listeners a little bit of background. I started the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Company a little bit over three and a half years ago. And again, you know, we’ve grown very quickly. We are the 33rd fastest-growing company in the U.S. We are the fastest growing company in Tampa Bay. We’ve actually now grossed over 40 million.
Michelle: Oh, my gosh. The details that I had, these are older.
Amanda: Yeah, like three months old. Things are really picking up, which is exciting. We do have a $100 million valuation plus. So, really exciting, you know, the growth over the past few years. But what’s been important for me as a leader is to stay very focused on my mission and vision.
And my mission is to empower people to transform their lives so they can then fulfill their purpose. So, I want to create a situation where my clients experience more energy and joy, vitality. So they can then crush their career goals or their spiritual goals. My vision also extends beyond that.
I am very passionate about equipping my certified coaches and influencers to earn significant income, so they can then recirculate their wealth to their families, churches, and communities. And so I did create a “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” coach certification for other women in the wellness industry who want to lead their own clients through my program.
And we have now recirculated millions upon millions of dollars to the coaches who have in turn been able to be generous in their communities. We have coaches who have earned over half a million dollars since, you know, November of last year. So in less than a year, they’ve earned multiple six figures, which is really, really exciting.
But as a leader, I’ve continued to keep my purpose, my mission, my vision at the forefront. And anytime I bring on a team member who doesn’t seem to quite align with that, I usually, you know, kind of quickly weed them out.
Michelle: Yeah. That happens to all of us. Now, last year when we first met, you know, you were running a very high-seven. Now you’re into an eight-figure, you know, business. What are the biggest differences between last year and today?
Amanda: Yeah. That’s a great question. Last year, I was very much so a start-up. We had a startup culture. My team members were all virtual, and we had all hands on deck. We didn’t have an org chart. No one had titles or job descriptions. We just simply grinded. We would go up the stairs. As I say, I would just kind of strap my team members on my back and run up the stairs as fast as possible. Any time we had an idea, we’d say, “Yes, go. Yes.” We said yes to everything.
Now, we are far better about systems and processes, which is not my forte, and even saying the word systems and processes gives me agita [SP]. It is what it is. Like, we have to do those things. We have an org chart. I had a personnel meeting this morning. I had a budget meeting.
We’ve transitioned from startup to small business, or we’re in the transition. And we have far more staff team members. So we went from 8 team members for the $10 million company to now closer to 30 team members for the $100 million company because now I’m building the team for that 9-figure.
Michelle: That vision. Yeah. Absolutely.
Amanda: Yes. Yeah. You know, I have been in meetings all morning, and, you know, instead of just me myself and I by myself working from my office, I have many, many people around. And it’s so fun. We’re having a ton of fun. We do the team workouts together, and we’re going out on a boat all day Friday and doing paddle boarding and different things like that. The main difference is we have a more substantial team with an org chart. We have job descriptions, but we also…you know, we have processes and systems.
Michelle: Yeah. What do you think is your biggest mistake so far as a leader and what have you learned from it?
Amanda: So, there are countless mistakes. And I want [crosstalk 00:20:03].
Michelle: Oh, yeah. The whole point is that if you’re doing something, that means, you know, there’ll be mistakes. And as long as you’re failing forward, as I like to say, it’s all good.
Amanda: Yeah. You know, I heard someone speak earlier this year, and he said that 50% of your goals should have a 50% failure rate. And I took that very seriously. The thing is a lot of people look at me and the business and think that everything we touch turns to goals, but it’s just simply not the case.
I made a fairly substantial hiring mistake, and I paid for it in a big way. It will end up being about a $500,000 mistake. I was calling it my million dollar mistake for a while, but I did the math this morning with my controller. And I said, you know, “I need to reframe this because I think it’ll probably be closer to a half a million-dollar mistake,” which doesn’t sound quite as painful.
I hired someone who had a lot of corporate experience, looked really fantastic on paper, did a great interview with my team. You know, I hired this individual who had his own agenda and had a slightly different vision than I did, and it took me three months to really pick up on it. I honored the probationary period, but then ended up firing this person at the very end of the probationary period just simply because it wasn’t working to have someone else on the team who was hard-charging in a slightly different…
Together: Direction.
Amanda: And, you know, the lesson I learned from that is that I don’t need anyone else right now in the c-suite to help me take this company to the next level. I do have what it takes. But, you know, several months ago, I kept thinking, “Well, we need a COO from the outside to help us get to the next level. We need someone with experience.”
But, you know, this person made some really substantial errors, signed a few massive contracts without my permission, things that weren’t good for the company, signed a contract with an app company, an app company that didn’t have our best interests at heart.
So by the time I reviewed the contract after it had already been signed, I realized the terms weren’t good, and we ended up having to completely cancel the contract. I paid $90,000 of my own money to cancel the contract. So, I mean, that’s one of a few things that went wrong. But, you know, some lessons are worth paying for, and for me, financial goals are really important.
Michelle: And it’s good that you caught it quickly. You went to it quickly because it could have been bigger.
Amanda: It could have been far bigger. You know, goddamn the universe often has to kind of hurt. Like, hit me where it really hurts for me to notice, and so, again, you know, super painful lesson, but we’re better off for it. And we’re gonna be much stronger moving forward for the rest of the year and beyond.
Michelle: Now, just right now, I noticed you said, you know, “Three months ago, I thought I needed someone.” What made you change? As in like, what gave you now, you know, three months later the confidence to have, you know, the conviction, the radical resolution, “Yes, I am equipped.”? Because right now, you sounded like radically convinced that “I am equipped. I know what it takes to bring it to the next level.” How did you [crosstalk 00:23:43]? You know, I know part of it is the mistake, of course, but, you know, there’s something internal that must have happened.
Amanda: Yeah. It’s kind of like been there, done that, got the t-shirt, hired some fancy, expensive corporate executives who didn’t know more than I know and who ultimately negatively impacted our bottom line. And it’s funny because I actually terminated two upper-level team members on the same day.
And the weekend after I did that, we had a record sales weekend, and it was because I finally eliminated some toxic energy and bottlenecks that were preventing us from having substantial success. And when I’m doing the right things at the right time for the right reasons and feel really good and energized about the company, I’m able to accumulate significant wealth. That’s one of my superpowers.
I was feeling that there was something stopping me from selling well, and I knew exactly who it was and what it was. So once I did deal with that situation, although it was really difficult to do, immediately, you know, we earned a significant amount of money. I don’t know how you like to get on this podcast.
But, you know, I’m a very spiritual person, and that weekend was a really difficult, stressful hard weekend, but I was praying for a sign that I made the right decision. And I was on a walk with my kiddos and walked up a bridge and was just, you know, really thinking about how difficult things were with the business and, you know, talking with Brandon about it.
And then we turned around to go back down the bridge, and on the way down, we found seven pennies. And for me, that was a really important sign that we were doing the right things at the right time for the right reasons, you know, even in spite of kind of the grief and stress that it had caused. And I really feel that my guardian angel had put those seven pennies down for me, and seven is such an important number to me.
Michelle: Number.
Amanda: Yeah. Yeah. So that was really cool.
Michelle: That is not woo-woo at all, my friend. That is called fate. That is called fate. And it’s incredible how we second-guess ourselves, even though we know that we’ve come this far and still, we tell ourselves sometimes that crazy stories that we’re unable, that we’re not capable, that we’re not worth it, that we can’t do it. And so it happens to everyone, you know, whether you are starting a business, whether you’re already in, you know, highly significant successful business, it happens to everyone.
This is I think a perfect place there to talk about how has faith affected the money success and the explosive revenue. You just alluded to it quickly right now. You mentioned something along the lines of “when I feel good, when I…”
Amanda: Yes. When I am aligned with my mission and vision 120%, money just flows to the company. It’s really remarkable, and even my team knows this. They’re aware of this, and they try and be sure that Amanda is feeling calm and joyful and happy because they know, if I’m not, then the money kind of stops flowing.
It’s funny because, us female entrepreneurs, we don’t feel odd saying something like that, and we truly believe in that. Most male entrepreneurs like, for example, if I were to say that to my former COO, he would not resonate with that type of statement. It would be just like, you know, “More money behind Facebook ads, then we’ll be fine.” It’s like, no, no, that’s not how it works. Like there’s a little bit of magic and faith and all of that…
Michelle: Absolutely.
Amanda: …at play. So for me, if I feel 100% confident in the value I’m providing to my clients in the marketplace and also aligned with my mission and vision and can find that joy in my work, then I’m able to accumulate significant income. And so it’s been an extremely important aspect.
I think, you know, Brandon and I too have from a very young age committed that we are going to be good stewards of our incomes. So not only are we going to accumulate significant wealth, we are going to manage it well. And I think that’s made a really big difference.
And it’s funny because I have team members who are like, you know, “We just love you so much because we know how much money you make, but yet you shop at TJ Maxx.” And I’m not saying that that makes me good or better than other people who shop at the expensive stores. But like I know what my priorities are, and I know how to manage money well. And we look at the numbers every single day and, you know, consider how we’re recirculating that wealth and being generous. And generosity is truly our core value.
And, you know, when we are going through this crisis situation a few weeks ago with the, you know, half a million-dollar mistake, I said, “You know what? This is exactly when we’re going to give a substantial donation to a charity.” And, you know, some of my team members looked at me like, “Well, that doesn’t make any sense.” They’re like, “That’s gonna be a hard sell with the controller. Like, why would you do a substantial investment right now?” And I said, “Because I am confident in one thing, and it’s that we should be generous even when we are, you know, dealing with some stress.”
So, I feel really good about that decision. And like I said, you know, we were able to, you know, pull out, and we’re much stronger and better, and numbers have never been greater.
Michelle: Yeah. As you go throughout your day, Amanda, how do you find ease and flow in the day-to-day grind and hustle? Like, you wake up, and what makes you feel powerful, like, “Okay. I’m ready to go.”?
Amanda: Yes. So, I have a very consistent morning routine that I have established and maintained for several years. I always get in the shower very first thing in the morning. I love to be in water by water, and for me, that’s important.
I listen to professional development every single morning as well without exception every single day of the week. I then usually dive into work after, you know, I’ve been able to kind of do that morning ritual with professional development.
At night, I also am in the shower or the bath for the better part of an hour. I just love to kind of wash the stress off from the day. Prayer and meditation, of course, is really…
Michelle: I like this. You’re going into the show and you’re like, “I’m washing the stress off.”
Amanda: Yes. Yes. And that’s on days, especially that, you know, sometimes we go to the beach, and I like to get into the water at the beach and kind of wash the stress away there as well. And, of course, you know, I exercise on a daily basis. That is absolutely vital. It’s important to me.
Michelle: Happy hormones for free right there.
Amanda: Yes, exactly. Yes. So that’s very, very important.
Michelle: A few more questions. On the topic, let’s go back a little bit on the topic of money. Tell us about your relationship with money. How did you grow up around money?
Amanda: Yeah. That’s a great question. When I was growing up, I think I was aware that, you know, we pinched pennies.
Money was tight. We lived in Long Island when I was in elementary school and then transition to Pennsylvania, where, you know, money was a little bit less tight.
But I watched my older sister work really, really hard, but spend all of her money and actually go bankrupt when she was fairly young. And because of that experience, I decided at a young age that I was not going to go through that situation. I was not going to get a credit card. I was, you know, not going to spend more than I made.
I started working, you know, in early high school before I could even drive. And saving money, I worked five jobs simultaneously in college and saved quite a bit of money. I didn’t have a credit card until like a couple years ago. Like, I mean, it was we got through the first few years of marriage without even a credit card.
Brandon and I, you know, we are elementary school sweethearts, and we had a business together in the summers, where we would paint for people and do mulching for people. And we would listen to financial investment advice while we were painting, and so that was kind of funny. So we had a very similar money mindset.
He is an accountant by background as well. So, you know, I am the type of person who likes to save and invest, and he also is the type of person who likes to save and invest. So, it’s a good combination. You know, I think a lot of times you have people who are opposites. We both have a similar standpoint on being good stewards. It’s been good for us.
Michelle: Now, right now, you have then, you know, the possibility to, and I don’t know if you’re starting to do that already, you know, allocating some of those profits and diversifying perhaps investments, or do you reinvest everything back into the company?
Amanda: We do invest quite a bit back into the company, and we recirculate quite a bit of our income to our coaches and influencers. However, we do have strategic investments for the business and, of course, a substantial emergency fund. And then we’ve been really strategic on the personal wealth side as well in regard to investments and, you know, different ways to protect our assets.
Michelle: Since you’re both, you know, conservative, I would consider myself and Jack also conservative. Like, what are some of the things that, you know, make you say, yay or nay on an investment? You know, what are you investing in and why kind of?
Amanda: Yeah. That’s a great question, and it’s one that has come up quite a bit recently because, you know, when we did have this former COO in place, he had seven or eight big massive investments that he was moving forward without even checking the income statements. And my big thing is like, “Listen. Gross income is one thing, but what I really look at is net income. Let’s be clear.”
Every single day, I look at the numbers, and I say, “How much are we keeping? What can we then reinvest? What can we then allocate to other parallel efforts that we’re going to move forward?” One of the big initiatives that we are pursuing right now is purchasing a building. So we are growing a more substantial local team. We are looking at buildings on a regular basis.
Michelle: And that’s why you’re in your bedroom, right? Because your entire house has been taken.
Amanda: It’s [inaudible 00:34:53] why I am sitting in my bedroom right now. We have a lean startup perspective even as we transition to a business, and for my clients, that’s a big advantage because, listen, we are filming workouts out of my home. I am sitting in my bedroom right now doing this podcast. We try to keep overhead low so that we could keep cost down for our clients, which I feel is really important. And that way too, I’m able to recirculate more of the income we do earn to our coaches and give more people opportunities to work for the company for a substantial income. But the building is an investment that we’re pursuing, and we will own the building, which will be a great hard asset for us for the future. You could, of course, [crosstalk 00:35:43].
Michelle: And you can use depreciation against some of your income. So this is good. Yeah. It’s all around a really good…yeah, a good thing. What do you have for women? What are three top pieces of advice, you know, that you would have for an entrepreneur out there? Well, either an entrepreneur, or actually, if I think about it, a person that is not feeling well right now that is feeling like, you know, “I used to be this,” and they have, you know, this vision of what they used to be and how energy-wise and how fit-wise. What do you have to say to someone like that? You know, what are three pieces of advice that you would have, whether it’s a woman starting a business or just a potential client?
Amanda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, first and foremost, as you mentioned in the intro, health and wellness is absolutely key. We don’t have much without our health and wellness. And even this past week, I’ve been sick, and it negatively impacted my mood and just reminded me not to take my health for granted, being sure that we’re intentional about eating healthy and exercising and implementing important action items like, for example, intermittent fasting, so we can have more health, wellness, vitality, energy. That’s key.
And for anyone listening who’s not feeling 100% about their own health, that’s the very first thing that I would address. Of course, the “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” is a great program, and I’d love to have many of your listeners join but absolutely.
Michelle: And, Amanda, it is so incredibly…Jack’s like…he was, you know, “All the support that I’m getting.” I’m like, “This is so cheap.” Can we say how much it is for an amazing round of…? Go for it.
Amanda: Right. It’s $199 for your first 8-week experience, and it is the very best $199 you will ever spend on your health and wellness. The price should be much higher, but I, like I mentioned, want to keep costs low for our clients. And, you know, that’s important to me to make it an affordable no-brainer offer, but yeah, absolutely key to find your health and wellness.
I would say that the next piece of advice I have is to pursue professional development on a consistent basis. Listening to podcasts like yours, Michelle, and, you know, other good podcasts or reading books is so important. If I’m not listening to professional development or, you know, reading some helpful books, I can feel that, you know, as well. I think it’s key to continue growing and learning on a regular basis.
Michelle: Yeah, absolutely.
Amanda: The third piece of advice I have is to ask for help, and, you know, this coincides with my current passion to build out the dream team and bring the right people to the table to support me and help us take the movement, the FASTer Way Company to the next level. But team is everything, and ask for help, whether it’s in your personal life, whether it’s at home, whether it’s as you ramp up a small business. It’s so key to be in community and have people that are truly, you know, rooting for you and working toward the same vision.
Michelle: Absolutely. And if you want to, again, learn more about Amanda, go to www.fasterwaytofatloss.com/#inflow. Where else can people find more about you and what you do and follow you? I follow you I know on Instagram, but where else can they go?
Amanda: Yeah, great question. You can follow me @amandatress or @fasterwaytofatloss on Instagram. I’m also on Facebook as well.
Michelle: Wonderful. Thank you so much, Amanda. This has been a wonderful conversation. I love how, you know, it’s not only the nice and rah-rah, but it was a little bit about the struggles, the challenges, you know, that we all go through as we are, you know, trying to bring our visions and our missions into reality. So, thank you so much, my friend. I honor you. You are a complete inspiration to me. So thank you so much.
Amanda: Thank you.
Michelle: This woman is truly caring. I remember the first time I met her, she’s like, “Oh, I think, you know, you need to look into, you know, a functional doctor. I think this is what’s going on just by what you’re telling me.” And, you know, there was no expectation. She just wanted to help me. So, I mean, she cares just us, you know, with anyone that is right in front of you. I know that the same level of care is going through each and every coach that is working with you and your clients. So, thank you so much, Amanda.
Amanda: You’re welcome. I appreciate you. It’s my pleasure.
Michelle: Thank you. Bye. I hope this episode left you feeling inspired and ready to get inflows of cash, inflows of light, and inflows of faith in your life. I welcome your reviews on iTunes. Please leave me a review and help me create an amazing community of women inflow.
Thank you as always for sharing your voice by going to michellebosch.com and joining the conversation about this show. And while you’re there, grab a copy of my “Ten Commandments to Living a Life Inflow.” You can also follow me on Facebook @michellebosch and on Instagram @michelleboschofficial. Thank you very much, and until the next one.
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