One of the first things we cover in our Land Profit Lab is the why. Why do we want to start a land flipping business? Why do we want to start a side hustle? Why are we looking for an additional six figures in income? Why do we want a breakthrough so badly right now?
When you’re starting a business or looking to take your business to the next level, of course the who, what, when, where, and how—your tools, strategies, training, team, etc.—are important, but the absolute most important thing is your why. Your why is your deepest, most heartfelt reason for pursuing your goals.
Your why is the anchor -the vision – that will pull you forward. No matter what is happening around you, no matter what challenges and obstacles you face, it will pull you. If your why is small, the tiniest obstacle will obscure it. Your why needs to be huge, so that no matter what obstacle comes up, you can still clearly see it.
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Today on the InFLOW podcast, Michelle shares the secrets that the top 1% of land flippers in the country know:
- How to describe your why in clear and vivid detail.
- How to anchor every single bit of your action, commitment, and discipline to your why.
- How to engineer your why to the next level – and the next level after that.
- How your why can help you see breakthroughs even in a year like 2020.
- How a big, strong why can make your business recession-proof and pandemic-proof.
Find out more!
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- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial
We just completed our most recent Land Profit Lab last week. If you missed it, you can catch replays on our Facebook page or be looking for our next Land Profit Lab at https://lpglab.com.
Hi, I’m Michelle Bosch, real estate investor, mom, wife, and host of the “InFLOW” podcast, and I’m passionate about helping women invest in land and apartments. Join me each and every week for real estate investing strategies and interviews with thought leaders so we leave you inspired and ready to step into flow, for inflows of cash, inflows of ease, and influence of grace in your life. Now, here on YouTube are the video versions of my podcasts, and in order for you to get my latest information, please go ahead and subscribe. And now, let’s go.
Welcome to the “InFLOW” podcast. I’m your host, Michelle Bosch. Excited to be with all of you, ladies and gentlemen, because I know there’s some gentlemen that listen to this podcast as well that wanna get inflow, inflows of cash, inflows of grace, and inflows of ease in their lives. And one of the key things that I wanted to talk to you guys today is…we just got off one of our number one, I would say, flagship live trainings, and it is called The Land Profit Lab.
And on session one, we always cover, you know, the “why”, why it is that we wanna start a land flipping business, why is it that we want to, you know, start a side hustle, why is it that we’re looking for an additional six-figure income stream, why is it that we’re looking for breakthroughs. You know, we’ve been trying to flip land in the past and we have not accomplished them. And some of it is, of course, not having the right strategy, not having the right tools, the right systems or the right training, or generally speaking, using the wrong method to go about it, because there’s different ways to skin this cat. We have over 4,000 flips now, you know, that we have done.
And based on all the money that we have spent in testing, based on all the failure that we have had in the past so that you guys don’t have to have it, you know, one of the things that we have discovered is that, of course, having the right method is important, which is kind of like your “what”, you know? If we talk about business, and business, having four pillars of business, the “what” is important, the how you’re gonna do it is important, you know, the who you’re gonna be doing it…who are you gonna be bringing on a team, who are you gonna be modeling, who are you gonna be, you know, really associating with and networking with so that they can mentor you is important. But also something that is always, always forgotten, and I think it’s not a conversation that is normally talked about, is your “why”, what is your deepest and most heartfelt “why”. Because the “why”, in my opinion, is the number one ingredient to get you to success, to get you to a six-figure income with land, to get you really successful in any business, for that matter.
And, you know, there’s this, I believe, a TED Talk from a gentleman by the name of Simon Sinek that is called “Start With Why.” And, I mean, it’s revolutionized, you know, I think the world out there, and it is something that, at the same time, so many big, I would say, successful people understand, but that knowledge, even though it’s been viewed millions and millions of times, doesn’t go and doesn’t really flow through to, I think, a person that’s trying to start a side hustle or start a business or a person that is already having some success in their business but is wanting to really bring that to the next level. And it has to do with your “why”. Either you’re starting out and you have a “why” or you are already having some success and you need to engineer a bigger “why”. That’s going to be key for you to really, you know, like I said, get those breakthroughs that you’re looking for.
So, today, I was inspired, you know, to come here and talk to you guys, in this episode, about the “why” and what the “why” has done for the top 1% of the land flippers in the country. We always start with “why”. You know, we are the number one incubator of land flipping businesses in the country, and every single person that comes to our path, you know, from 0 to the first $15,000 deal or from 0 to their first $100,000 $200,000 year when they scale their businesses with our help, every single person starts with “why”, and why is the “why”, no pun intended, so important. And I think the reason is because the “why” is really the anchor, the vision that is gonna pull you forward no matter what is happening around you, no matter what obstacles, you know, you face, no matter what challenges you face.
If your “why” is tiny and small, you know, the smallest obstacle, if I can illustrate this, is in front of it…if you are here and your “why” is back here, you can no longer see your “why” because it’s being covered by a challenge, by an obstacle. And so, that “why” needs to be huge so that no matter what obstacle comes in the way, you can still see your “why”. And so, I wanted to drive this home, that the 1% really anchor every single bit of their action, of commitment, of discipline to this “why”. And the “why”, for example, when we started with land investing, was to get out of the rat race, to get out of the nine-to-five, you know, lifestyle of having absolutely no entrepreneurial freedom, of having paychecks that didn’t match our time and effort, of having, you know, the pain of disconnection every single week because we had to travel for our companies that we work for 100% of the time and we couldn’t see each other.
With my husband, Jack, we couldn’t really spend any quality time together, we would be dead tired on the weekend, you know, when we would come home from traveling. And that was just not a real life. Yes, we may have been having good income by everyone’s standard, but at the end of the day, you know, it was definitely not an income that matched the level of effort and time that we were spending on there. So, the mindset for us was, “Okay, our very most immediate “why” is gonna be to find a business or a strategy, a vehicle, that allows us to get rid of the nine-to-five and that starts giving us not just freedom of money but also freedom of time.” And for us, that was huge, huge, huge, huge, that was the very first one. And then, that “why”, you know, as we got some success with the land flipping, and we started figuring it out, and we were already on our way to scale, that “why” really started expanding to not just us but to include our family.
You know, Jack’s father was three or four years away from retirement but his health was incredibly declining. And he couldn’t stand to teach after 40 years of teaching, or 30-plus years of teaching, he couldn’t stand teaching one more year. And that was a “why” that really made us put the pedal to the metal and ignite and use it as fuel, as fire, you know? And so, our very first “why” was pain, was the pain of being in the situation that we were in Corporate America, but then slowly, you know, our “why” started evolving into something that we could look forward to. It was more of seeking a larger vision that was outside of ourselves, that it wasn’t just immediately having an effect on Jack and myself but having an immediate effect in our bigger context of our family and really bringing his father home, retiring him three, four years earlier. And within a few months, we were able to accomplish that. And then, our “why” needed to, again, be engineered to the next level, you know?
So, the “why” is so, so important and it needs to continue to be big enough so that no matter what hurdles come your way, you continue to move forward, you continue to take the actions necessary that align with the level of success that you’re looking for. So, yeah. So, I am all about the “why”, we are all about the “why” when it comes, you know, to anyone that comes into the Land Profit Generator community because it is that key anchor that the top 1% do have that others do not have, that others do not speak about because everyone is too busy trying to teach you tactics, you know, technique, which is important, strategy is important, but this is, at the end of the day, when rubber hits the road, what’s gonna get you to continue going forward when you think you cannot make it anymore. You know what I mean?
I mean, how many of you have been challenged right now in 2020? 2020 has challenged all of us and has stretched us all in ways that we never thought possible that we could stretch. And the ones that continue moving forward and that continue, basically, seeing breakthroughs have a bigger “why”, that no matter what’s happening right now in 2020, you know, we continue moving forward. Number one, because our “why” is strong enough and big enough, and number two, because we have a vehicle here with land that is absolutely recession-proof, without knowing it, you know, when we started this back in 2002, pandemic-proof because it can be done completely remotely from everywhere in the country. Actually, from everywhere in the world. We have, right now, over 5,000 registrants in our live training. And we have people from Australia, we have people from United Arab Emirates, we have people from Germany, we have people from Austria, we have, I mean, people in the U.K., in Canada, in Chile, which is just fantastic, it’s amazing.
And that’s, you know, what we’re talking about, we are laying the foundation not just about the strategy, and the vehicle, and the “how to”, and the “what”, and the “whos” that are gonna be part of your land flipping business, but the “why” is the place to start because that’s what’s gonna translate into you becoming, in the future, the top 1% of land flippers in the country. The 1% people have the following characteristic as well when it comes to what’s happening in between their two ears. The 1% are the people that are always, “Yes, I can. If I don’t know how to do it right now, I will figure it out. If I have a mountain in front of me, I’m going to climb it or, you know, leap over it, do whatever it takes. Throw anything at me, and I will figure it out.” And that translates into being the 1% of earners, not just with land flipping but in general. If you look across the board of society, people that have this mentality, you know, of, “Yes, I can. No matter what is being thrown at me, I’m gonna figure it out, I’m gonna make it work,” it’s these kinds of people, yeah? And those are the people that also are deeply anchored underneath by an incredibly strong “why”. So, the “why”, again, I know that it’s probably starting to sound a little repetitive, is so, so important.
Another thing that is important is that it’s not a matter of just having a “why”, like retiring your spouse, you know? For me, it was so important. I remember, you know, in, I would say, the beginning of 2002, one of my biggest “whys” was, “Okay, we’ve been able to retire Jack’s dad. Now, you know, we have our green card. We are onto the next “why”.” And my next “why”, for me, was putting the pedal to the metal so that I could retire Jack, you know, and bring him home because it was costing us money with him working for somebody else 60-plus hours, when if he was to employ those 60 hours working with me in the land investing business, we could blow the roof off in terms of cash profits from wholesaling, from quick flips, or from seller financing in no time. And so, even for us, you know, our “why” evolved, grew into that, or at least mine grew into that.
And if you, right now, have been reading and going through the posts inside of our community…because after we taught this session today, we asked a lot of the participants in this nine days of free training that we’re doing inside of our Facebook group, we asked them to go ahead and give us their “whys”, to really dig deep, to go ahead and identify what is that urgent “why”. And a lot of people are saying, you know, “I don’t wanna see my spouse anymore crying when she comes back from work because she’s doing work that she hates, because she’s working with people that are not supportive, that are not her people.” I mean, I hear “whys” of traveling, of starting ministries, of empowering more women, which I’m all for. I mean, that is one of the top reasons why, you know, I started this podcast. And so, those are amazing “whys” that have been posted that could be your “whys” right now as you’re listening to this right now.
And sometimes when we say, you know, “A new home. I wanna build a new home,” it’s important to clarify how many square feet is that house, what is it gonna contain, really have that vision pull you forward of that “why” of a bigger home. And, you know, if you’re in a crowded space or in a crowded apartment right now, in a not so safe neighborhood right now with your family and a beautiful home is one of your biggest “whys” for your family, then describe it, then say, “Okay, it’s gonna have 3,000 square feet or 4,000 square feet.” Where is it gonna be? Is it gonna be, you know, close to hiking trails, close to a lake? I mean, where is the house gonna be? How is it gonna look like inside? Will you have a pool, will you have electric lighting, and windows, and shades that go up and down with just a remote? I mean, describe your “why”, like, bring detail, juice into your “why” so that you can really reflect back on it when the going gets tough, yeah?
So, again, the 1% people are the, “Yes, we can” people, the 1% people have huge “whys” that evolve, that constantly become bigger as you push boundaries of possibilities and you actually get shit done, pardon my language, and you actually start having real cash in your bank account, you know, from land flips, and you do one deal, two deals, three deals, four deals, five deals, you know, your “whys” are gonna continue to evolve. And, at that point, it’s up to you to decide whether you’re gonna get in alignment with a bigger “why”, because it’s not just having the bigger “why”, but are you gonna get in alignment with the bigger “why” to take the actions, to invest in the resources that you have been putting off, to make that decision that you’ve been putting off for some time. You know what I mean?
It requires you to really have a renewed sense of commitment each and every time, you know, your “why” evolves so that you can continue taking the actions that are gonna stretch you, that are gonna put you into the position of becoming that new person that can attain that bigger “why”. It’s a constant evolution. We’re always in a process of becoming, and our “whys”, our visions of the future, of prosperity for ourselves, for our families, for our communities need to continue to be the anchor that helps us evolve, basically, in this “why”, but it needs to come also tied to action. The “why” needs to come tied to actions, actions that are going to, basically, stretch us to move forward so that we can close the gap between where we are right now and the “whys” that we have accomplished to the new “whys” that we’re going towards, yeah? So, we need to close that gap, we have to have that renewed sense of commitment, we have to take, you know, the actions and have the discipline to really embrace that and train like an athlete.
I’m gonna make this comparison of training like an athlete. You know, the moment that an athlete hits, like if it’s track and field, their prior record in speed of running a mile, you know, they put themselves a different “why”, a different goal that they need now to evolve. And what do they do? They recommit, they show up to the track earlier, they practice more, or sometimes it requires that they rest also sometimes, because muscle also grows at rest. Even though I don’t think that the track and field people are so muscular, to begin with, I think they’re much more leaner, but in general, you know what I mean?
So, yeah. So, this recommitting to this new level with actions is also incredibly important to close that alignment gap. If you are, right now, having “whys” and you are not closing the alignment gap, you’re not aligning yourself with what God has out there in terms of destiny for you and possibility for you with your actions, you know, it’s not gonna fall from the sky, it’s not gonna fall from the sky. So, I know that if you’re listening to this, you’re listening right now and you’re here for a reason, you needed to hear this. So, this is my gift to you.
Go right now, take a few minutes, journal down, you know, get into the spirit of it, understand the sacredness of your “why”, the reverence of your “why”, and see it everywhere, talk to it, write it down, envision it, and align yourself in actions, in taking the decisions that you haven’t taken, that you have been scared, or enrolling in training if you have been scared, or searching for new areas with higher properties if you have been scared of the higher properties. Go for more zeros, reinvent yourself, reinvent your “why”, iterate in zeros, you know, when it comes to not just maybe with higher price properties, but perhaps with scale, with scaling your business, with bringing team on board, that you can delegate stuff out, that you can automate things when it comes to systems as well so that you can really focus on the things that matter to you, because we all start businesses to enjoy a life rich in entrepreneurial freedom, not to replace one job with another job.
And we need to always be in constant vigilance of making sure that we don’t have just wishy-washy dreams, you know, wishes, your “whys”, that those “whys” are in alignment with action and that you’re constantly closing that alignment gap and reengineering or pushing the boundaries, evolving your “why” so that it can take you to the next level. We wanna continue to break ceilings of complexities for ourselves and our own personal development and in our businesses, you know, month after month, quarter after quarter, year after year. And that, my friends, is one of the secrets to six-figure income within a 6…to 1-year period, 12 months, you know, things that will sometimes take people years to accomplish because there is no alignment between their “why” and actions.
All of a sudden, when you align those, and you recommit to those, and you’re willing to stretch, you know, things start happening, things start really moving when you stop making excuses for, “I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough money,” or, “I’m too busy,” or, “I’m too heavy,” or whatever. A win in one category of your life is gonna translate into wins in every category, you know? Retiring a spouse, if that is your “why”…you know, a huge amount of relationship issues and divorce comes as a result of finances not being where they need to be.
So, maybe, you know, if you’re struggling right now in a relationship, if you’re struggling right now with health, if you’re struggling with whatever it is that you’re struggling right now, make that your reason why. That is a great place to start, you know? When we have pain, pain is a great motivator and fuel. We don’t wanna stay there forever, we wanna eventually, you know, have something pleasurable, a vision that is really pulling us forward. But if that’s where you are, start where you are, you know, think big, and scale quickly, okay?
So, with that, thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of “InFLOW.” If you are interested in our live trainings, go ahead and go to lpglab.com, or you can go and join our Land Profit Generator Facebook community. They’re happening in there right now, and there’s, you know, replays available. And I look forward to spending time with you guys again on another episode of InFLOW.” I’ll have amazing guests that are gonna be coming right now that I know we have already scheduled. And, of course, I will always bring goodness, I will always come here, you know, with a different angle, a different perspective, a different key ingredient distinction that can really make a difference in those tiny shifts so that we can embrace the new levels and continue pushing the boundaries of possibility for ourselves, for our families, to change really family trees and the legacy that we’re giving to our families.
And that’s what this is all about, you know, we do much more for others than we do for ourselves. And so, if family is for you like it is for me as well, you know, and our greater community…we all want our kids to really stand on our shoulders and really reach for the stars based on the level of possibility that we bring into their lives. If that’s you, then let’s continue engaging. I will continue, you know, like I said, bringing forward amazing content. And if you liked and enjoyed this episode, please go ahead and leave me a review on iTunes, a five-star review or a written review. You know, people, when they’re searching, there’s gazillions of podcasts out there, and when they see, you know, from authentic listeners that are actually tuning in and that enjoy, it helps me really expand and touch many more women, empower many more women out there to really bring a level of certainty in their finances like never before. So, thank you so much, and until the next time. Bye-bye.
I hope this episode left you feeling inspired and ready to get inflows of cash, inflows of light, and inflows of faith in your life. I welcome your reviews on iTunes. Please leave me a review and help me create an amazing community of women in flow. Thank you as always for sharing your voice by going to michellebosch.com and joining the conversation about the show. And while you’re there, grab a copy of my “10 Commandments to Living a Life In Flow.” You can also follow me on Facebook at Michelle Bosch and on Instagram at michelleboschofficial. Thank you very much, and until the next one.
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