The fundamental goal of marketing is to give people enough information to make a decision about whether to trust you or not. But what attracts people to you, and how can you market that? Why would they want what you’re offering, and how can you package that magic in a way that’s a no-brainer decision for them?
Nikki Nash figured out her genius at a very young age. As the daughter of two doctors who worked extremely hard, she believed that working a lot of hours was the only way to achieve financial success. At 22, she was managing millions of dollars of clients’ money at an ad agency and making six figures by age 26. But something was missing – she wanted a job where she could decide what kind of contribution she wanted to make to the world.
So she started out on her own.
Today, Nikki is an author, speaker, and founder of Market Your Genius. She equips entrepreneurs with the tools and resources they need to share and profit from their message. She helps people figure out their genius, find the people who need that genius, and package that magic in an irresistible way.
Listen Here:
Today on the InFLOW podcast, Nikki shares her brilliant tips for:
- Using Post-Its to figure out your ideal marketing plan.
- Choosing the perfect pieces of content to package together to market yourself.
- Focusing on just one social media platform to build relationships.
- Being a consistent and valuable presence in that space.
We all have a genius inside of us – Nikki can help us uncover it, pretty it up, and let it shine!
Find out more!
- Subscribe and rate our podcast on iTunes at: https://www.michellebosch.com/itunes
- Android users can subscribe and rate our podcast at: https://www.michellebosch.com/android
- Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficial
Check out Nikki’s podcast, Market Your Genius, and sign up for her FREE Marketing Boot Camp here!
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