Setting big goals at the beginning of every calendar year is great, but it’s not enough. It’s so important to sit down each and every quarter for reflection, evaluation, and planning forward. It’s also important that you go above and beyond sales numbers and income levels. There is so much more to strategically planning your year.
We’re often tempted to separate our “business life” from our “personal life.” That’s not possible. You are one whole person, and these two parts of you go hand in hand. There are things in your business that can weigh you down personally, and things in your personal life that can hold you back in your business.
There’s no better time than right now to deal with ALL of those things.In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to walk you through 3 simple, but also deep and powerful, strategies that will help you set—and achieve—your business and personal goals this coming year.
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In this episode of the InFLOW podcast, we’ll talk about:
- The concept of “Stop Doing” Lists and why you absolutely need one for 2021.
- What a “clean-up” might look like in your life and business.
- How to identify which new skills you need to acquire moving forward.
I’m so excited to share with you some incredible tips for starting the new year with clarity, conviction, centeredness, and inspiration. Let’s do this!
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